
and this would be fine in michael burnham in any way, shape or form, even had an interest in a member of starfleet in good standing. 

having the fuller picture of his who discontent, it really does make sense that he wouldn’t come back, even for the fans

I’m no journalist so I’ll never be in the position of having to decide how to hold those in power to account via the press

I think this where the issue D&D being owned by a big corporation comes in. I bet there’s a stack of scripts where Dri’zzt fights beholders that just didn’t past corporate muster 

I think this nails it. WOTC probably want a movie that would drive people to actually purchase their D&D books and sets. And being too generic could open up the dooors for rival fantasy ttrpg settings to steal revenue

that he passed up the chance to enrich himself with TRUMP or LOCK HER UP masks really does astound me

I think you’ve really hit the nail on the head but I also think you’re missing that some people see stray cats (much more than dogs, at least in most parts of the united states) as a natural part of the semi-urban environment. Just check how enraged some people get when you suggest they don’t let their cats wander

this casting just feels all wrong to me. nothing against these actors but it’s just not clicking for me - maybe it will work on screen

Yes. We have de facto age limits in many other jobs, should be the same with government service. 

Why does it feel like sending Georgiou back to the mirror universe, back in time, with knowledge she shouldn’t have, somehow leads to disaster. Shouldn’t starfleet know better?

Eh, I think it’s a little bit more than that. See the Undiscovered Country #1 author notes, the story relayed by Snyder and Soule about their conversations with a CIA agent and how they inspired the comic. It set off my alarm bells for sure. It really probably is nothing, but the same way the Marvel studios

talk to me because for the life of me I haven’t been able to understand *that whole thing*

someone recommended it to me and that rulebook is completely impenetrable. it’s organized worse than any other modern TTRPG book I’ve come across

honestly the thing that gets me about it is that I legitimately do not believe pedro pascal films most of these scenes

you said it best but I really get ticked off by this “look at these great new diverse characters....IN A POSSIBLE FUTURE/ALTERNATE EARTH!”

oh shit I knew I recognized that guy

honestly, I wonder if there would be reluctance to making shuri BP in relation to the kind of old chesnut about the difficulty of selling action figures to girls.... (not saying I agree with the logic, but the whole reason Disney bought marvel was to sell toys to to little boys and I could see some studio head saying

yeah there’s no way this isn’t moving forward without a recast, and I’d be dollars to donuts they’ve already got the actor cast. I suspect we won’t get any details until much, much, MUCH closer to the start of filming/SDCC. The backlash if they dropped the name now would be wild

if I somehow inexplicably became a millionaire first thing I’d drop the money on was some of these props. god, they’ve got blade’s vest from blade....

I loved these costumes. As a kid they just made sense to me and I still think they look great