
its weird because she’s older than my teen sister but looks way younger

so I think that’s a fine line they need to walk with this. The reveal being a blast from the federation’s past, that the Discovery crew would be completely ignorant of, would work on certain levels.

i’ve been thinking about this since the moment we heard what the disaster was called and god I hope it’s not true

My mom makes a dish called “blanc mange” which I’ve always thought was weird but it is delicious and has always been a hit: mix cool whip, condensed milk and sour cream with caned fruit cocktail (just the fruit, not the juice)

could’ve just typed “national debt jubilee” 

the plot of this series sounds like a mess, like someone mashed up the maze runner, ender’s game and just a bunch of other bullshit

this looks fantastic. i wish we could this level of fun with the live action bat films

wait this dude wrote a story about some dude time travelling and knocking up a 14 year old middle eastern girl and yall didn’t immediately report him to the FBI

maybe my brain is just completely broken but....this looks like the last last trailer we got for justice league except in black and white (and that shot or Kiercy Clemmons I guess)

completely disagree - there is no reason to accept and be nice to these time-travellers, especially considering they’re probably more than familiar with the temporal cold war or Voyager’s encounters with Time Fleet

as much as I loved this episode and how much this season has turned the show around....it could really develop it’s side characters if it cut the mandatory scene every episode where everyone talks about how great michael is, or thinks about how much they love michael

Even know, all I want is a way to make the on-screen text bigger. I literally cannot play the the game because of how small it is

The idea that the trill should welcome joinings between non-trills and symbionts makes me kind of uncomfortable. Joining seems like a deeply revered, almost religious experience for the Trill...I feel like it’s okay for cultures to have things they don’t want to share with out-groups!

I thought the first movie had some great ideas - examining the actual physical transformation of the rangers, their training sequences. I even liked the conceit of how the megazord came together

legitimately do not understand how folks lasted so long with this show. I tapped out after four episodes

i want this but in dungeons & dragons

Going to echo the chorus that this is some excellent reporting. I’ve been seeing artists tweeting about this situation on twitter for weeks and its maddening that the comics press has generally just decided its not worth covering

I have zero care in the world about cleopatra or this casting, but I hate that it will light a fire under the “ancient greeks were actually africans” weirdos

lmao YIKES.

I have been making a lot of cast iron skillet popcorn because we don’t have room for a microwave. bacon grease popcorn rules. very curious about trying this method even though I enjoy the shaking