
I remember being so hype when this came out. And if you had put a gun to my head at any moment between the day afterI watched it when it was available here and right before reading this article, I wouldn’t have been able to describe a single plot beat

that video message from future harry in “timeless” always struck me as one of the most hilarious voyager moments. just harry kim totally ripping himself a new asshole in a very harry kimish way

Agree. The specific parts of the film about Forrest and Jenny are moving in so many ways - the rest of the film just kind of gets a yikes from me

I just don’t know how any student in that department takes any of these profs seriously. None of them could see through this? Heard her ridiculous brox bourica patois?

its interesting to see you lump Push in with these other books

lowkey - I’ve seen a lot of people who never flaunted their jewish heritage start wearing it like a badge of honor when they joined DSA and other “left” orgs

Sayonara Wild Hearts....but it’s sonic and crew 

I would say it’s a great representation of how Matt Fraction thinks Clint should be written and portrayed. Its a great run and the only time I’ve given a shit about Hawkeye...but really does not feel in line with the character’s history, especially not in the era it came out in (it’s just a few years removed from his

Must’ve been around 2003/4 I binged through all the available chapters. 100% did not understand the hype. The story seemed meandering with a lot of interesting ideas (the setting itself) but no real interest in exploring them. 

it was a bad reboot. it took itself too seriously without being interesting

I love Ego. I was going to write my senior thesis on it and do a freudian analysis but my prof shot it down. He did not think comics were real literature. Alas.

every article about this show makes it seem great but....I’m not signing up for HBO max and when I lived in a house with cable it never seemed to be on.

that’s 100% fair. I’ve been lucky in my time in the hobby (almost 8 years with one group, a few attempts at play with others, DMing some short campaigns) that I’ve only had one “bad DM” (he just really wanted to play and made Sildar Hallwinter his DM pc, nobody had fun)

I once asked a friend who was talking about struggling in NYC why he didn’t just move to philly - he asked if he could thai takeout in philly at 2am. I told him no and he said “well that’s why”

do you legitimately think his sister saying any of this in 2015 or 16 would’ve made a difference 

that court of owls would be great if it was something that popped up from gotham’s wealthy elite as a *response* to batman, but predating him? feels real dumb

I need this artificer and psionic material asap

I feel like that’s something any good DM should be able to assist with on the fly tho? its good to see it formalized but I’ve never had trouble with a player saying “hey I want a kind of wimpy academic orc” and making that happen

I’ve seen some blowhards bitching on twitter but tbh, who cares what they think?

this put such a smile on my face. what a well crafted love letter to a cornerstone of my childhood.