
I would recommend fermenting your own, the frozen stuff really doesn’t compare

does natto really smell that strongly? I regularly ferment and and eat it in a home full of squeamish eaters and no one has ever commented on the smell when I’ll stirring it for breakfast

I love natto. I’ve adored it for years and have even gotten into fermenting my own. Even gotten my mother (an intestinal cancer survivor who has a hard time keeping down most food) to adopt it -she likes it with hot sauce and watercress

the writing is just wildly inconsistent. there’s some eps that I think are utterly brilliant (the hawk and dove origin story, the deathstroke stuff) and others (the season 2 finale) which are just trash

Andrew “working” for a child abuse prevention initaitve is the most chilling detail of this. christ. we will probably get the jimmysaville details on this creep when he’s dead

this feels like a 2020 subplot we’re gonna feel real dumb for not paying attention to in the long run

No, the *ruling class* is good at this. And members of the democratic and republican parties are functionaries of that ruling class.

They’ve broken me. They won. I don’t want anything more than to hold up in my little bubble with the not-shitty people I love and care about, garden, ferment things and just wait for it all to blow up. There was a lot of shit I wanted to do - I wanted to become a dad, I’ve always wanted to see the pyramids, backpack

I appreciate that Cavill is actually removing this dude from his movie. How many years have folks hemmed and hawed about working with Polanski, casting abusers and rapists....and Snyder says “actually nah, fuck this dude”

this is exactly what my concern is: if comics are just an IP farm, why bother creating new IP when there’s 70+ years of stuff to riff on? you could put six writers in a room with some long boxes and say “we want a movie that will have humor and attract teen girls” and I’m sure they’ll be able to cook something up

my brother recently finished a teaching gig and he was SHOCKED at how many kids openly read manga, talked about anime. Such a far cry when we were in grade school and you were branded a nerd if you watched anything that wasn’t on Toonami.

legitimately do not understand the logic of keeping comics operations ongoing to use them as an IP farm. With 70+ years of comics under their belt, how would it not be easier to just hire a writers room (maybe a dozen folks), give them full access to the DC archives - everything published and unpublished - and let

I don’t know what solution there is for this moving forward besides tournies for people under 18 and tournies for folks over. it seems like as long as these pools of people are allowed to mix, the predators will hurt victims

he was in handcock. remember handcock?

Yeah that was definitely a property they could’ve exploited in a good way - “hey, everyone loved kato, lets do this as a vehicle to showcase some rad martial arts for an up and coming asian star” but instead....seth rogen

I wanted to love this, I really did....but it’s big sin was that it wasn’t funny. Characters talking fast and referencing star trek characters and places isn’t funny because that’s not a joke, that’s just characters talking fast and saying nouns.

I remember when that Green Hornet reboot came out and I kept wondering “who is this for?” because even my dad who grew up watching that tv show had no interest in it

Thank you. I do not need to Khan’s or Nurse Ratched or Emperor Palpatine’s tragic backstory. TELL ME A NEW STORY

how do you feel about the ST:A System? I’ve wanted to run a trek go for a long time but feel like all the published systems are a bit too...fiddly

Correct. I cannot imagine even five 90 minute movies convincingly adapting the story of the books so far.