
I always thought the older mentors/younger x-men bit would’ve worked great for a film reboot

I’m kind of surprised this recipe uses wondra flour in the chicken dredge and not the gravy

if you took wawa’s snack and cold prepared food offerings and put them in automat form I would patronize that establishment

there’s a 15lb turkey sitting in my freezer since it was a butchbox add-on last month. I figure when it gets warmer I’ll smoke it

We’ve done two family birthdays (and mother’s day) under quarantine so far. Takeout for the first birthday and home cooking for the rest. Honestly do not think we will resort to takeout again - maybe it’s just in my head, but every time I’ve had takeout since the lockdowns got serious, just haven’t been happy with it.

take it with a grain of salt but some of the gossip blogs, way back when the show first started filming, pegged rose as uhhhhh potential HR issue for the production company because of how she (allegedly) was treating some of the actresses on set

and you can make that sandwich even better with mayo instead of butter

I find it works best on fried things (french fries, potatoes, chicken, croquettes, fritters, etc) snack-y things (popcorn, homemade chexmix, etc) and as an add-in to certain sauces (tomatillo salsa)

Or you could go to an asian grocery store and pick out any of the vastly superior available noodle packets.

I would like to go a japanese convience store just be convinced onigiri don’t suck. Perhaps its my own fault, I’ve only ever had the ones I’ve made myself, but I think its a pretty stupid way to eat rice. Don’t like any of em - yaki-onigiri, tuna rice onigiri, the bonito/soy onigiri

Hot dogs. After grinding my own burgers for smash burgers I know I could make a bomb hot dog. I’ve only tried sausage making once and it was a disaster. Also I *hated* using the natural casing, rinsing them out is the single most stomach churning kitchen task I’ve ever done.

I’ve got a tiny deep fryer we got from Aldi’s a few years ago (holds at most, two regular sized bottles of vegetable oil) would love to upgrade when we have the space but it has already gotten the job done. Got no problem frying up chicken for about six people

there is a korean restaurant/karaoke place here in Philadelphia that gives their fries a coating of....something before frying, haven’t figured out if its corn or potato starch, but it gives them such an ethereal crunch. I attempted it at home with corn starch and frozen fries and got pretty similar results.

I bought a bag of sodium citrate for cheese sauce making years ago and I’ve only used it like three times.

Hard disagree. If you catch the craving you can have pretzels in less than two hours. They’re not hard to make at all, especially if you skip the shaping and just do pretzel nuggets

I’ve made fresh pasta twice in the last week (lmao my waistline) so I gotta agree: it’s really not that difficult at all. Much less active work than making bread

His comments on giving Reynolds creative control give the game away.

somehow I feel like mailing lingerie to a teen requires its own apology video

I saw this movie in theatres for my....14 or 15th birthday? The soundtrack impacted my taste in music for YEARS. Grits, the Teriyaki Boyz, I was bumping all the shit when I finally got my first car (a volvo that could not drift but I did manage to get it up on two wheels once without dying)

Everyone involved in star trek’s PR will publicly deny this but the klingon change is 100% because of the deal CBS worked out with Bad Robot - basically their trek needed to be x% different than what CBS had done - so that they could keep making different merchandising lines