
I’m not exaggerating when I say I’m fighting back tears at my desk right now

that’s what the blind item sites say (and I believe them)

why do we have to pretend this was anything other than your standard contract bearding

underrated comment

holy shit

I’d be curious to see how often movies that get such a heavy assist from the US military actually fail at the box office

its weird how visibility works in hollywood

and these are the morons who think saul alinksy wrote guides on how to bring marxist sharia law to america

also: I’m convinced that MSG has medicinal properties. MSG on eggs will cure a hangover. Not mitigate: CURE.

I’ve been using MSG in my fried food seasonings for a few years now and it’s really aces. Elevates fried shrimp, makes corn dogs sing, and takes Hot Chicken to the next god damn level (also: duck fat. You want to make duck fat hot chicken)

wrong about Cage and Evans, very correct about the rest

thank you for this post

Read the first part of the first script. It reads like fan fiction, and not great fan fiction either. The dialog is painful.

well said

I loved Solo. It’s the only new Star Wars movies that felt like Star Wars to me - reminded me of the star wars EU books I loved as a kid.

I’m always skewered for saying this but The Last Stand is the best X-men movie that’s not Deadpool or Logan. My brother and I watched 1-3 in a row and we were floored that the first two films, which we adored, just did not hold up.

a big chunk of that material has been previously published or outlined in other places tho

the big in-joke of that scene imo is how much it just replicates the previous wheel (in martin’s lore, a lot of those small council positions have always been doled out as favors and nepotism and master of coin is kind of notorious for that)

I think the only thing the show really nailed was Jon Snow’s story - much more evocative than what was described in the leaks. It works for the character and it felt, right, tonally, for this continent that needs to move beyond the fire and blood of targayens.

1. I’m really bummed affleck is leaving the role