
I don’t think his Avengers run ended up panning out as well as his fantastic four stuff so I’m cautious about this.

yep. no offense to any of the creators involved - they’re all fantastic writers and artists - but when I saw that slate announced I knew something like a linewide reset wasn’t far behind

I sold my friends on grilled chicken heart skewers a long time ago - do a mariade with white wine, lemon juice and some miso. outta this world

early leaks made it seem as though dany’s butchering of king’s landing happened before jon and the northmen arrived - showing up to find a city burning. I was surprised when it didn’t play out that way in the episode.

that would’ve been a massive improvement

yeah, no one is gonna be happy

the general consenus on leaked spoilers, going all the way back to two years ago, about jon having to kill dany (because of azor ahai bullshit)

get ready for Amazon Lunar City: last bastion of humanity

it’s not bad - like watching a very high budget doctor who episode (except doctor who has the benefit of not having to carry such an absurd premise for 2 and a half hours)

right. iirc they couldn’t even get him insured for the film

I don’t like this.

steve and tony jump from 2012 directly to the 70s

1. it made no sense to me that all the ace fighters - jamie, brienne, jorah - basically anyone we see wielding valyrian steel - weren’t all posted up protecting bran. thats all they had to do, all they had to do was wait and fuck the night’s king up

1. Not really. He got his happy ending, doesn’t matter what timeline it happened in

I mean, you’re essentially describing marvel comics

this isn’t what happened

it doesn’t over-complicate anything and is much easier to understand than a predestination paradox. this movie was made for mass appeal and an audience expected to have many children in it. they gave the clearest, simplest breakdown of time travel they possibly could and people are still misunderstanding it all over


this is literally what happens in the film

“I don’t know why this is so hard for people to understand.”