
My wife works with a lot of undocumented people - on of those folks was deported at the end of 2016. And the government still has her kid. She’s missed two birthdays with that child. She’s had to fight tooth and nail just to get a location on her child - I hope to god she isn’t one of the kids that’s being moved to

You could also add twists for how tasks are accomplished. Beating the giant monster - great - beating the giant monster but a bunch of buildings got destroyed? bad

Broil afterwards - meat will brown up and that fatty delicious sauce will reduce down into love and sunshin

Pressure cooker is also the preferred cooking method of my haitian mother and aunts. Personally I prefer sous vide

oh man I love bulleit and this is the first I’ve heard of this. Damn

how hot and long do you have to deep fry them

your ideas about how we should deal with our ruling elite are great and I’d subscribe to your newsletter

We should be protesting outside of these fucks homes, churches and their kids schools every day until they resign and leave us the fuck alone

Tom Cruise will shoot a stunt for mission impossible in space before he dies

y i k e s

how many more times will this overrated story be adapted before I die

it looks so much like Orion

I understand but I’m also wondering where the personal responsibility to say “No, I’m not doing this” and walking away begins.

People of color” is supposed to be a political designation based on the solidarity of non-white people. It has a specific origin and history and isn’t really supposed to be a catch-all term to describe groups of non-white people. (the same way you wouldn’t really just call any random group of woman feminists without

sorry, I just I don’t think you get to indulge someone’s weird kink and then later call it abuse

explain how that is sexual harassment and not just a partner having a weird fetish/kink/whatever that someone else put up with because they were a consenting adult. 

I’m saying that if you’re grown up fucking human and someone you’re fucking starts pulling some weird shit like demanding you wear a specific makeup to fuck, you block their number and keep it moving.

Stickers on fruit need to fucking go.

people keep citing stuff like this but I think it’s a little more obvious:

remember when hugo had a regular column here?