
“he employed tactics of control and manipulation, including an unwillingness to have sex with her unless she wore a specific eye makeup. (“I would be forced to put that makeup on before anything happened between us,” she tells Jezebel.)“

christ this family looks inbred as hell

ladies, honest question here: how is it not a massive self-own to admit a dude had a grotesque penis but that you still let him insert it in you, raw, multiple times?

It is absurd they aren't just giving him the movie origin. After all these years marvel still sucks at trying to draw in movie fans

So I think the big thing that got overlooked here is MGK’s allegation that Eminem had him black listed from his radio station, Shade45, which I think is hilarious considering how much em used to whine about censorship 

I wish yall would still report on blind items - cause the blinds have been saying Post’s string of bad luck is cause he de-virginized the daughter of a very famous drug dealer and then never called her again.

I learned my lesson admitting anything to border guards when my friend, for no reason at all, admitted he’d gotten a DUI a few years earlier as we made an impromptu canadian road trip. They told us we couldn’t come into the country until he paid a fine and wrote a letter.

what legitimate reason is there for feinstein to put this aside besides massive political cowardice?

yall know the racists started flashing okays to create this kind of hysterical reaction right

sweet bagels with savory ingredients have always been the wave

I bust that game out on my dreamcast every so often

this is honestly what I thought as hell. I had more than one drunk white girl try to come into my room back in college. 

Played with some randos the other day we got blown out - didn’t a land a single mote

personally I’ve been wating for the nicki stuff to come out

how much of this is due to the conflicting regarding the film/tv rights for trek? I feel like if it was all under one set of hands (not that I’m advocating increased corporate consolidation) something magical could’ve happened

Yes. And the things is, in a very unlike Eminem manner he even censored the slur on the track instead of just not using it at all.

1. Fallon Gray is still and awful, awful fucking name for the character and if she ever comes back I hope a new writer does away with it

Interesting to express this on a panel with nick spencer, given his own ummm, interesting background in politics

c’mon guy, the hints were laid out pretty clearly in the book

are these the same folks who attempted to create a sequel for the Dreamcast?