
it sucks that she quit twitter but this show won’t last a season if she doesn’t kick the bolivian marching powder

to be 100% honest: we should give absolutely zero coverage to twitter hyper-representation matter loons.

“Director Matthew Newton has exited Jessica Chastain’s action film, Eve, following allegations of assault and domestic violence.”

she seriously didn’t know this sampled chapman? 

went to catholic school my whole life, raised catholic as well - and I didn’t realize how Jesus-y the narnia books are until someone mentioned it in college

there really is no reason to cover rap braggadocio like it’s gossip or news

one of my friends worked on one of those tv tattoo shows (ink master???) and was always trying to recruit us to get “free but maybe shitty tattoos”

why is everyone not realizing the real angle here? Dinesh D’Souza went to jail for violating campaign finance laws - Shapiro knows his 10K donation would violate those laws

on the same token: I HATE that sushi places don’t charge less for shit made from crabstick

My mom makes an amazing yellow rice (tons of that MSG laden goya seasoning) dish with green peas and fake crab meat. It is, consistently, a crowdpleaser at whatever gathering me or her make it for. 

Individual agency is important. Nobody should say that Walker took advantage of or victimized or hurt these girls because it doesn’t seem like any of them feel that way

My little sister is a year away from the age of this dude’s preferred girlfriend. It’s fucking creepy my guy. 

I was wondering if this was gonna come up again in the wake of this documentary.

“Also the fan-artists pumping out entire tomes of Hank/Connor yaoi on the weekly are braver than the U.S. Marines.”

Just got this game a few days ago. My first world a gray, somewhat radioactive hellscape

People (my family, her family, random older friends) keep harping on me and my fiancee about when we’re having kids. I went from being a “I’d love to have kids” in my early 20s kind of guy to a “Idk about kids cause of climate change” guy in my mid twenties and now I’m firmly a “Fuck kids. I want to be able to just go

This. The last time I felt like DC knew what do with Cyborg, it was in the Titans run where he and starfire were going to menton the new next generation of teen heroes

I’ve recently been watching TNG with my lady who’s never seen it before and honestly? I’m kind of surprised how good a lot of that first season is. There’s some missteps for sure but its not bad

currently the situation gunn is in seems like a winning one: have them use his script, get paid a bunch of cash AND not have to deal with the hassle of directing a disney movie? seems like a good day in hollywood

I can’t believe anyone things the fleming estate would ever agree to elba (or any black actor as bond) it’s straight up never gonna happen. The only reason these stories float out every few years is so that they can pretend to be progressive and forward thinking