
I don’t understand how people make decent rice in this thing (or rice cookers!) I’ve only ever gotten slightly passable rice - it’s just easier on a stovetop. I’d rather spend the 20something minutes and get perfect rice and delicious gratin at the bottom.

In the period between grad school and starting my current job all my PYMK were just half-naked russian sex bots. Soon as I got the phone number of one coworker it started showing me real people (that I work with)

Now I feel vindicated for all them roms I’ve kept backed up for years, even of games I don’t even like

ngl this guy kind of sold me on griefing

there were parts of it that were good - everything involving rita stealing gold to make goldar was hella dumb

I found skins at the weirdest time of my life - I’d just been expelled from college (for fighting, lmao, I had straight As) and had to move back home where I had ZERO freedom. Those kids helped me live vicariously and deal with my untreated depression

all I’ve ever wanted since watching skins was to go to a dope rave in a random european field or group of shipping containers

I’m probably a year younger than you but I have a lot of similar feelings about the OC. I think I went to a club *once* in high school and it was sad and miserable the dude I went with wore an all three piece suit cause he insisted it was gonna make ladies come talk to him

it was all about psychosexual racism 

like I been saying: neither party wants to fix this, the ruling class wants to maintain this exploitable underclass of educated young people (along with everyone else trapped in our messy immigration system)

the blind item scuttlebutt on anderson and assange has been that she is flaunting the good to help get him out of his situation but that it hasn’t been working

its the resharing of peoples shitty tweets like they’re real content that draws the buzzfeed comparison

They’ll post all the twitter comments they want. When push comes to shove they will line up behind whatever director disney hires and makes the money. None of these hollywood goons has solidarity with other talent

the thing that exacerbates the racism of foreign entertainment audiences is the entertainment we tend to send them. Send a bunch of movies where black people are never the heroes or romantic leads? Now you’ve got an uphill battle to face 

lowkey I’m not surprised she ended up in rehab so soon after being photographed with g-eazy - by all (internet rumor) accounts that dude is heavy into the drugs and had halsey all types of strung out

Love it - just not a fan of it in this game. 

we’re in the same boat

Still midway through the first game and combat just feels like a really pretty looking slog

I just bought okami on PS4 cause it was on sale and I’ve been wanting to play it for years

I feel like a bad game for admitting this but I do not like platformers. Not since I was a kid playing Mario and Sonic - and not now as an adult who just started to feel comfortable saying I don’t enjoy metroidvanias.