
I used to snag some 00 from the bakery i worked at an tbh, I didn’t see the point in using it to make pizza at home. If you want a nice crisp pie, check out reinhart’s neo-neapolitan recipe that uses AP and semolina flour

This is crazy. Turn the broiler on for 30 minutes or so before you plan to launch your pies and you’re golden. The one I’ve got works like a charm, and puts a nice crust on the bread I bake as well

speaking as a former baker: your water is fine.

Decent crust will always beat improvisation

You want to get some coarse semolina which will work better than cornmeal

Please use bread flour if you want to make a decent pizza crust, AP flour just doesn’t make a flavorful dough

Bravo. This is exactly the opposite of what I was expecting

I have such a stupid crush on both the character and actress

Man, it’s amazing to watch Mount’s performance here vs.....whatever he was doing as Black Bolt

A woman my partner worked with was deported and seperated from her child at the end of Obama’s tenure. It’s taken her two years to get the government to give her the location where her child is being held in detention. Kid has spent two fucking birthdays in a detention center kept from her mother. They still won’t

the original aged like shit so I’m not too excited about this

I feel you. One of the things that stopped me from continuing on in academia is the fact that I was expelled from one of the undergrads I attended. It just didn’t seem worth the hassle of doing PhD apps and having to explain something that happened when I was eighteen again (it was a paid when I did a masters)


I’m still a Trig truther

Obviously google sucks for lobbying against this but where the fuck is the spine in these legislators?

don’t worry, one of them (probably the old guy) will die spectacularly in the season finale 

I have never once looked at a piece of raw chicken and thought “let me just enjoy this flavor naturally and without cooking

The thing that really damned Hardwick IMO was how willing that one guy from TruBlood was to say “yeah I’ve talked to plenty of folks who admitted he had his ex blackballed”

Yuuuuup. A manager of mine (best I’ve ever had, hands down - had us the number one team in our department for two months running without breaking a sweat) got let go cause he broke it off with a coworker he was seeing to start dating the roommate of someone he was supervising. She raised just enough of a stink and

Medium-Rare if I’m cooking my steak at home, medium if I’m ordering out has always been my rule of them