
nothing wrong with preaching to the choir, point is you gotta get them to sing

Man I gave this podcast a listen to once or twice cause my younger brother recommended it - there’s an episode where they have a female comedian on and she tries to talk about being raped multiple times and how that’s affected her

If you’re looking to play with another newb let me know! my cousin and I are both not too far ahead of you and I’d be glad to help you with missions (my gamertag is djbobbyflay)

When Garnet was revealed to be a fusion I never thought we’d get to the point that we’d see a clear open mouth kiss and gay alien wedding on tv

We sell weapons to the saudis that they’re using to starve millions of yemenis to death right now

murdering goat herders with the largest empire in history at your back doesn’t make you brave my guy

You ain’t wrong. There’s nothing admirable about these saps signing up to murder and die for empire.

Never had a bad AirBnB experience. Worst is maybe the creepy taxidermy in the place I stayed at for my bday weekend trip

I was thinking about this last night. My lady and I have been watching TNG (my first real time through it since watching it as a kid with my dad and via re-runs occasionally, her first time watching any Trek at all) and we got to the ep where they meet the psychic aliens who Deanna’s mom teaches to speak so they can

I’ve made so many variations of this recipe over the years and I don’t feel like I’ve ever really enjoyed how gloopy the noodles end up

There were a lot of things about the movie I liked - namely I liked that they got into becoming Power Rangers making the characters superhuman, even when they weren’t morphed

that describes killjoys as well

Yup. I like the hunger games so I’m not snooty about YA lit or anything, the student who wanted to write on it just ended doing a really bad reading of feminist theory and the text. it was embarrassing.

Lucky Number Slevin is one of my favorite movies!

He did recently share on twitter that he accepted the buyout

I was going to do my senior thesis on Batman and Freud (specifically built around Batman: Ego) before my professor told me straight up that he wouldn’t approve my project unless I wrote about something more “serious” and “literary” (meanwhile he approved some horrible projects on the hunger games and lord of the rings)

Oh no I love the subject dearly, I’ve just been in the job market since graduating last year and, y’know, it’s always a bit hard to sell outside of academia

Now I just need samurai gourmet season 2 to get announced

it reeeeeeeeeeally doesn’t seem worth losing your job just to respond to some mouthbreather 

I’ve never once been interested in these kinds of toys but that panther figure is breathtaking. I need it