MK6GTI-now with added Miata

Found the stereotypical Maser owner defending their terrible car choices. He hasn’t mentioned “prestige” yet... there is some mention of “head turner”... but he’s still new at this having only had it 8 months.

I have been using Maeserati brand condoms since 2005, and I only have eight kids. If I had decided to not use condoms, I’d have at least 10 by now.

I’m all for accurately strong the facts, but doesn’t this really boil down to clarifying whether it was shit made of crap versus crap made of shit?

I miss the Diamanté. I thought it was a cool name for a car. 

I will note that Mazda was one of the last companies to pull off what I’m suggesting, with the first generation Miata back in 1989. It was a car people wanted, it didn’t cost a lot of money, and they sold a ton of them.

Curves are out. Polygons are in. You didn’t hear this from me.

Also, to answer your question of “why”, let’s think about this - a society that has based itself around an established death cult has all its superstitions and fears built around the fear of a wrathful god f*cking up everyones sh!t. Not good for business. So these royalties get together and start grooming kids to what

lol imperialist, maybe because of my preconceived notions of civil societies due to the era I live in, though I said nothing of race(you’re also assuming I’m white and American), but that was quite a knee jerk to answer your own question with an “I dunno.” First off, let’s do some real sociology here, we can easily

lol what does white supremacy have to do with criticizing death cults? You realize there’s a very good chance that one of those children were still alive when either they had their head chopped off or, even more creepy, had someone elses head shoved over theirs before dying. See, as someone who’s studied history of

Nope, you just know what you like. Me too. Have a ‘98 M3 Cab, 2000 e38 740iL and 2003 X5 4.6S. All work fine, no problems and I get loads of positive comments nearly every day. Unlike the office gal who leases one of those low priced Bimmers like the one in this article.

A few years back they asked how they could grow car culture. and / or maybe the website.

It’s much better if you unwind the paperclip and wrap a condom around the sharp end. You fill the condom with chili oil and blindly stab the paperclip into your ear as deep as you can get it. Once the condom full of chili oil ruptures, proceed to stab the paperclip into your ear 4-5 more times to make certain there’s

Have you road tested it at 900 mph during an earthtornadotsunamiquake, though? That's the one that always gets people.

My color code is haphazard, largely based on what wire I had closest to me at the time of wiring that particular circuit

“i had the right of way” on your tombstone seems like a pretty bad prize to win. There old bikers and bold bikers. not both. 


From my time spent riding, I agree with your assessment.

Amazon probably didn’t agree to give them a cut on cable sales like they do on other things promoted here...

Would you be super “scared” of the hyperbole headline then?

Really don’t understand why this isn’t presented as an option in the article.