MK6GTI-now with added Miata

The Japanese judicial system is so tilted (99% conviction rates) that it’s hard to see how he’d get a fair trial, especially since the evidence points toward a contrived set of charges drummed up by MITI to protect Nissan from falling into French government control. This was a set-up, pure and simple.

The U.S. airline industry, for some reason that some economist somewhere can probably explain, has moved to a model of providing the least it possibly can, with a seemingly infinite number of ways to charge customers for perks that used to be features of flying, leading to an overall less satisfactory customer

I only like gradients when they mimick sea creatures.

Indeed. Sorry, woke activists, but despite how much you love the actress, the Rose Tico character suuuuuucked. And “subverting expectations” and adding new and useless characters just for the sake of it is not good storytelling.

When you’re forced to write good things about SJW art pieces, people will see right through that and give their honest opinion.

The front is so lazy, they just said fuck it, make the door, hood, quarter panel and fender the same color.  Then the black top which doesn't match the neon, and those awful mismatched rims.  Fuck that jeep

That’s quite possibly the worst thing I've ever seen

I initially wanted to NP this but a flood title in a heavily electronic car is usually a no go zone. It would be a great price if it had a clean title. Gonna CP this one.

It’s an enthusiast site.

Those wheels would likely be abysmal in any other finish, too. They’re straight up awful.

The VehiCROSS will always be a cool car. I have spoken.

Good news!! I saw a Dacia Sandero in a parking garage in downtown Las Vegas!

A day in the life of Jalopnik staff:

But when replacing a burnt out taillight involves “learning to code”, something has gone terribly, terribly wrong.

I’m about 2 decades younger than the last boomer’s birth but fuck, that is one dumb comment.

“expected by several retailing executives, who spoke on the condition of anonymity”

He said a 2012 car, not a 2005 car! :P

This. So much this.

I understand that this is mainly picking on a ridiculous New York Post article (which is probably redundant), but I feel like this great movie is now balancing on the precipice of being a poster child for a bunch of hot button political topics, and I only ask: can we not?