Okay, that money is definitely not enough but so is the sentence.
Okay, that money is definitely not enough but so is the sentence.
The turnaround is also a little tight, with one lane leading to the return which then becomes two lanes to share with fellow forgetful and/or lost drivers.
I forgot about the non hybrid Cupra Leon was still available.
Sorry. It’s been a while.
Oh please tell me soon that she’s banned from transiting Canada for failure to follow covid restrictions and stopping at services whilst in transit and failing to wear her mask when legally obligated to.
Lol. Meanwhile here in the U.K.. Two Devon & Cornwall police officers were fired for speeding (89mph) in a seized car. The car wasn’t damaged, returned to the scene to be collected but they had posted a video of them doing it on a Whatsapp group. Ironically they were part of a road safety campaign.
Not really. We don’t get it here in the U.K., haven’t since 2015/6.
Very few 308GTi’s sold here in the U.K.
I think Mexico has their own deal going, not just the North American one/thing/whatever.
Okay. I was getting confused with your previous reply on German, Italian, etc... cars, my bad. Eastern European countries like U.K. cars as they are cheaper than for the equivalent on the continent, plus with many having family from Eastern Europe namely Poland, to a degree Romania, Lithuania, Estonia, etc... cheap…