
Only a weak, pathetic movement that needs to be taken out back and shot like a lame horse is unwilling to deal in facts.

You don’t know why the corporate media wouldn’t want a progressive to win the primary?

In all likelihood the new GTI will look exactly like the new GTE, but with red trim instead of blue.

In all likelihood the new GTI will look exactly like the new GTE, but with red trim instead of blue.

I also have a 2018 GTI SE, and I’m glad I got it when I did. Not sure what I’d do if it got totaled right now. Try to hunt down a Rabbit edition maybe, or go used. I hate leather.

The GTI can run on regular after 2016 though, just FYI

Of course IMF aid hasn’t helped. Its main purpose is to funnel wealth from poor countries to rich countries.

I’m gainfully employed in the spreadsheet mines but don’t let that get in the way of your snark

Examine yourself. “Free trade benefits everyone, except the people it doesn’t, but they’re just losers who become reactionaries anyway” does not strike me as a particularly coherent or compassionate worldview.

Or maybe free trade is not an absolute good but a policy with real winners and losers, and “just learn to code you rube is a completely inadequate response to a systemic issue like the decline of manufacturing employment? It’s not like job retraining has a very good track record.

Losing your job because it can be done more cheaply in a third-world country without employee or environmental protections = “progress”

You don’t appear to be an econ major either. That chart isn’t very meaningful if it doesn’t take inflation into account.

You are the first person I’ve seen that actually likes the Lexus infotainment system. The Cadillac touchscreen is the same as the on in Chevys and GMCs, and it’s quite simple to use.

This will be a very appealing lightly used buy when it’s been pummeled by depreciation but still has most of that 6 year warranty left.

I could never see myself owning one of these but I do think they’re very nice-looking, particularly in Dark Cherry.

Instead of a $40k Golf R competitor, what about a $30k GTI competitor?? I’m not made of money!

Looked like an Imperial Star Destroyer to me. Which is something I wish we’d seen earlier, I think it would have been a bit more believable if the First Order was using at least some leftover Imperial tech instead of all new stuff

Oh hey, that’s my car.

You know, I don’t dislike it. I’d prefer something a bit more distinctive but it looks better than the prototypes indicated. I particularly like the Kuga ST-line...hopefully some version of the Escape (ST?) will get that front clip and body-color trim.

To those complaining about the price - it looks expensive at first glance but that’s mainly because it’s missing the last gen’s entry-level 2.0-liter. Compared to the last-gen 2.5 it’s not a big difference, apart from the stick shift only coming in a higher end trim. And yeah, for 27k the manual is hard to justify