
This Is The Next USPS Mail Truck


He’s taking the fight to the Supreme Courtyard by Marriott!

Can’t wait to wrap mine matte green and mount a turret in the bed.

You may call me Master Chief.

Elon sucks.

Stoked about the victory in Bolivia.

Eh, the story ‘16 is more that if you boiled both bases down to the staunchest members who will hold their nose and vote the party line no matter what, then the Republicans win the electoral college. Biden’s strong primary performance in states like Michigan and Wisconsin that Hillary lost to Bernie signals he’s got

I always dug the 1999 240Z Concept, personally. I remember being a little disappointed, styling-wise, when the final look of the 350Z was unveiled. I was hoping it would look more like the concept.

I cannot star this enough.

Nothing but annecdata. Presumably indeed.

The problem is that the Post Office is self-funded, not through Congressional appropriations, which enforces a practical requirement to not consistently operate at a loss. Unlike Treasury, DoD, Education, or other appropriation-funded departments, the USPS can become insolvent and unable to perform its duties.

Because the real deep state is wealth. Always has been and always will be unless it is actively fought against.

You can count me as someone who does not like seeing the fucking Democrats 1. take our votes for fucking granted, 2. shove once again a half-assed piece of shit candidate who isn’t even trying because he thinks he’s got our votes in the fucking bag because “who else are you going to vote for?” as if the answer won’t

Isn’t Obama’s intervention why we’re stuck with Biden in the first place?

Can we change your handle to One Liner?

You are aware that there is significant tension between the police departments and leadership of the cities in which they serve, correct? NYPD itself has been a great example in recent history essentially being willing to go against De Blasio himself, doxxing his daughter, etc.

I tried to run that search.

How do you feel about people posting snarky comments asking how the author feels?

Have a “shrinking” problem? Then talk to your doctor to see if Stellantis® is right for you.

Don’t worry, we are very sorry to inform you that Becky and I have re-homed Draxton after “the puppy incident.”