Suzanne Forbes

Meh - if one’s making amends and harms the recipient further, one isn’t actually making an amends.  The whole “amends” thing means sincerely atoning for behavior and changing one’s ways. It doesn’t mean revictimizing anyone.

The difference between Joss Whedon and Louis CK is that Whedon actually made things that I enjoyed, while Louis CK I never thought was funny. I always thought he was an asshole. 20 years ago I had no idea Whedon was the dick he’s now coming out to be and I was enjoying the TV shows and movies he made.

But why does everyone pick and choose who gets a reckoning and who gets to walk? Everyone in Hollywood still adores Woody Allen, though he most likely molested his daughter. And no one in the music industry has condemned Michael Jackson, even though it is now known that he was a pedophile.

I just think its strange that people are immediately distrustful of the black actor who speaks up and only feels there is something to be believed when a white woman shares her own story about the same person.

For me, the worst part was when she felt guilty about Ray being fired because she still felt that if she’d said something, things might have been different, despite overwhelming evidence that nothing of the kind would have happened. 

I would add that I come across most unhinged when I’m being subject to abusive and bizarre treatment. It makes you feel insane and you act as such.

Counter point...

True, although a lot of Gibson’s stories were about what would happen to those utopian ‘70s concepts if they collided with the real world — see the seedy arcologies and orbital habitats (based on O’Neill Cylinders) that dot his early stories. A further irony was that a lot of those stories appeared in OMNI, which

You’re right - I regularly see people who complain a port has gone bad but it just needs to be cleaned out. Wireless just invites a man-in-the-middle attack or disruption via jamming. Also, with all advancements, I would think that throughput is always ever going to be faster over a hardline.

In the other Sprawl stories they just used electrode sets, which rested upon the users’ skulls like Walkman headphones. (Gibson was inspired to write Neuromancer after buying his first Walkman and walking around downtown Vancouver while listening to Joy Division.)

The first draft of that paragraph ended with SAN DIMAS HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL RULES!

Fortunately, we still have The Children of Men to look forward to this year, and Soylent Green is next year.

I was thinking more along the lines of what passed for special effects on TV, during my upbringing. I grew up in the 90s with no cable TV so with limited options I watched a lot of Star Trek TNG and DS9, Hercules, and Xena. While Star Trek is still watchable and impressive for it’s limitations the other two looked bad

I kept saying out loud, “That’s not Luke”. When the X-Wing boarded, when I saw the green lightsaber, when it was apparent he was short, when I saw the glove, I just knew. When he took off his hood I shouted out loud, even though I was alone in the room, “LUKE! IT’S LUKE!!”

I’m fairly certain that Mando was the only person in that room that didn’t know who Luke was. I’m sure someone could fill him in afterward.

As a VFX artist, working from home doesn’t really impede anything about the quality of the work.  Most of us are just remoting in to our machines at our empty offices.  These issues go deeper than that.  And tbh, it’s frustrating to see a Youtube deepfake video that looks better than ILM (I do not work for ILM)...

We’re so spoiled. Like we don’t remember how limited special effects were in Return of the Jedi, and now we complain that the dead are brought back and the old are made young again.

Yeah. I thought he looked fine. I was actually shocked. I was betting it would be him back when Grogu was on the rock. It just made sense for when the timeline of mandalorian is and how many jedi were left. 

I was pretty happy with it being Luke. It was both fan servicey and made sense within the story.

I agree with everything you said except the ethics bit. Hamill is alive and was credited (and surely paid) for his likeness and voice. I’m not crazy about the CGI, but I 100% understand why they did it. The audience needs to be able to recognize that this is Luke without the awkward exposition of him having to come