Suzanne Forbes

I would enjoy this more if our baby did not look so odd.

I was utterly chilled by him, as I often was on BB. At the same time, I deeply wanted to see him do Fred Astaire dancing in a tux or kick back and eat pizza, simply because I respect the actor so much that I feel bad he’s the villain again!

I think he likes tasty slime! Did you see him looking at his hand covered with slime after he ate the spider egg like “mmmmmm slime”? Dagobah is a planet with a lot of slime....

I have a story!


Exactly. As a queer teen who was reading the New Mutants in 1984, and came to know Chris himself and also the way Shooter banned queer content at Marvel in the 80s, I can tell you with certainty that this movie is simply making subtext text.

My art archives have been on flickr for fifteen years. I do documentary art of queer, kinky, alternative culture and release it for free, licensed Creative Commons, via flickr. It’s been great, because flickr has adult safeties for explicit work, has selectable download sizes for convenience, and has built in Creative

Yup. All of what you said.

I own a splash page from Cinder and Ashe. Best comic book investment I ever made.

Just saw this now, and I feel like you mighta buried the lede when talking about this run. This run on DD was where David Mazzucchelli found his feet as a comic artist and started to shine. You can see his work improve *every *single* *issue*, in one of the most dramatic arcs of increasing storytelling confidence and

Except some people, a lot of people, millions, AGE OUT of depression. Eight years of total remission here after being 5150'd into the ER in my 40s. I don’t know why I didn’t hear about this younger, so I share it all the time now. Statistically, many many people hit bottom midlife and then start feeling better and

Yup, yup, yup. That was the best crossover ever. Still got mine.

Seriously. 1985 me is cracking up.

Same. We gave up phones altogether when we moved from the Bay Area to Berlin three years ago, and we LOVE IT, but we do sometimes need to print maps when we go places. I would adore a phone that sent texts and had Google Maps, and a clock, and a camera, that’s it.

“First episode directed by a black woman” - practically no shows.

You just neatly and clearly summed up everything about that era in comics and those creators. Every time I try to talk about it I get so furious I stutter and growl, so I’m screenshotting your comment to share for the ages.

HT licensed property clothing lines are generally surprisingly great. The Orphan Black and Penny Dreadful stuff was fabulous.

Same here - that a New Mutants movie is being made, not only without the Liefeld garbage but using Demon Bear, is something that blows my mind every day. As I log onto Instagram where I follow the director and actors, hoping desperately a cast group shot or filming scene will finally appear...

That sound is 80s as fuk. Which as an 80s Person, I think is a fine thing.

I bought the first book not knowing it was her, because I HATE the HP books, and I really liked it. Still liked the second despite knowing she wrote it.