Suzanne Forbes

I have a story!

Except some people, a lot of people, millions, AGE OUT of depression. Eight years of total remission here after being 5150'd into the ER in my 40s. I don’t know why I didn’t hear about this younger, so I share it all the time now. Statistically, many many people hit bottom midlife and then start feeling better and

Same. We gave up phones altogether when we moved from the Bay Area to Berlin three years ago, and we LOVE IT, but we do sometimes need to print maps when we go places. I would adore a phone that sent texts and had Google Maps, and a clock, and a camera, that’s it.

I bought the first book not knowing it was her, because I HATE the HP books, and I really liked it. Still liked the second despite knowing she wrote it.

Well that’s fucking sad.

Most states now allow cameras in nearly all proceedings, but Federal courts still prohibit cameras. Cameras can be blocked at the discretion of the judge in many situations, such as ones involving a celebrity. I used to be a courtroom artist and frankly I was really good and much better than most working these days. I

Thank you for not body shaming Chris Christie.

oh NO. You actually gave me reasons to want to see a movie that stars Anselface, who I know ONLY through his being dragged on Jez and my visceral reaction of distaste to his face. But I ADORE the Fast films, and heist films, and Edgar Wright. Dammit.

Your comment made my day.

I had that. It is a good thing. Such relief from the cups of blood pouring down my legs.

With ya. He was the prettiest ever in that movie, and I saw it for the same reason.

Yeah gotta say that was the most gracefully executed dirty animatronics rundown I’ve ever heard. That guy should do sex toy videos.

Thought the same thing myself. She looks beautiful.

best answer, excellent username.

50 and I adore it :)

His dad is played by Skeet Ulrich, who was EVERYTHING on Jericho and The Craft. He’s still got it.

Jughead is actually as hot as Fiona Staples drew him, and teen or even under 45 me 100% Would Slam.

It was extra sad because the show, which is extremely self-aware and very meta, immediately acknowledged that a) the kiss was a performative shock value stunt, and b) that such stunts were “so 2003" or somesuch. It’s a smart show, doing a lot of good things, but of course the waters are deep and there will be

As a woman with plenty of mileage down there who until now had always thought Tyrese was fucking beautiful, I am bitterly disappointed to learn he is a creep.

thank you from the bottom of my Mutti-loving heart.