
Schlafly and her Eagle Forum were Nazi apologists. I encountered them at a state fair back in the ‘70s, read some of the literature they were handing out, and became apoplectic on contact.

Phyllis Schlafly used nannies, according to her niece. This detail must be included in any portrayal of Serena Joy.

Yes! She did a lot of long-term, widespread, far-reaching damage. She was the inspiration for Albright’s famous quote about a special place in hell for women who refuse to help other women. She devoted her entire career to holding us back (with her husband’s blessing, natch).

A film about odious Phyllis Schlafly is timely right now. It gives younger folks a much needed window into the petrie dish that cultivated poisonous life forms like Marsha Blackburn, Pam Bondi, and Kellyanne Conway

I am fascinated by women like Shlafly. The same way I’m obsessed with serial killer documentaries on Netflix. 

Like, is that seriously what they’re going to do?

Yes, that is exactly what the immoral minions of the racist orange santorum-covered enemy of the people are about to do, unless someone can turn the tables on them.

Jesus Christ McGillicuddy...Are these folks really going to vote to confirm someone to a lifetime appointment of the Supreme fucking Court who has a credible allegation of rapehanging over his head? Like, is that seriously what they’re going to do?”

This essay should be FAR more widely read:

MIB also penned yet another “our boys are in trouble” op-ed. His capacity for himpathy is bottomless.

Seriously. Am I supposed to feel bad if CK or others don’t get their own TV show again? No one is preventing these guys from having a job and providing for themselves and their family. Show business depends on folks paying to see you work, and if enough of us don’t want to hear you talk anymore, then go do something

Also the phrase “men who are caught up in it” is a ridiculous way of making it seem like the men are victims. Louis CK wasn’t accidentally “caught up” in me too, he is a sexual predator who is responsible for his own actions.

YES! Also, what I can’t get over is the fact that there are plenty of other amazing stand ups who are worthy of filling the space left behind, people who haven’t done the horrible things that CK did. He had his time, he made his money, he fucked it up--BYE. Let’s give someone else a chance. 

This. It’s a career. I worked in a place that had a guy who thought it was great to act like a cross between Louis CK and Steve Carrell from The Office. He had a habit of throwing out casually racist things, farting everywhere, doing things sexually to others, pranks, etc and played it all with this "I'm just a

I used to like Michael Ian Black but I find his “I’m not saying I forgive Louis CK, I’m just saying we need to figure out a way we can forgive Louis CK” discussions to be very exhausting.

I’ll be honest—the women that these men victimized are serving a life sentence of having all the same feelings of shock and disgust come right back up again whenever they see these assholes, so why shouldn’t they have to serve a life sentence of keeping the fuck out of the spotlight? There are some things you do that

This is really the best argument against him.  In general I believe the free market should determine who succeeds and fails, but if his chance at success comes at the expense of a woman’s safety or comfort then he shouldn’t be given the opportunity.  Honestly he probably should be given the chance to create his own

How is that a contradiction? Saying they aren’t required to do so isn’t saying they won’t lay out some steps.