
Sure, men are not sex maniacs but I think I read somewhere that in their early 20s men think about sex in a single day in the double digits.

Great opening scene for a horror film.

no, I am sorry if I gave the wrong impression. All men want sex but that doesn’t mean that all men are rapist. Given an opportunity they will have sex. Some men just don’t have the confidence to follow or push the moment. And then when they have they don’t know what it means. I would like to point out that I am old

As a woman who has been raped, several times, I feel I have some valuable input.


I am in my late 50s. I have met generation after generation of young people who think they invented sex. I was a participant in the sexual revolution, took full advantage of the contraceptive pill and believe in abortion rights. Having said that I think women still lose out. I don't get friends with benefits. I think

he showed messages she initiated to him that showed she was not distressed. The counter point is that not all distressed people act the same way.

I had a curious incident about a door to door charity worker who tried to kiss me. It was a long time ago...but I think his words when I recoiled were “you’re frightened aren’t you?” I shut the door. I wonder about the concept that some people are able to pick their victims.This woman did not report it and in fact I

I bet Jasmine wished she had gotten that from Hal. Things might have turned out better.

And yet that is what happens with foster kids all the time

In 50 years we will find out. I just wish I wasn't so old. I'd like to read the file.

I had to get visas from the Pakistani consulate for a trip. I brought up this very issue about who it may have been that was keep bin Laden. He was silent for a while and then he said something about 50 years. I didn't expect him to know personally. I was just curious to see his response.

My mother didn’t like potato. She had Alzheimer's and died a number of years ago. I cared for her. Once I made mashed potato and pumpkin. She took a mouthful and gagged. She said it was potato. I said it was sweet potato. No! Not eating it.

Interesting point. Do you think that perhaps these power struggles could lead to anorexia?

but if they didn't shame they wouldn't feel superior. "my kid wouldn't do his homework or keep his room tidy, but look at you...."

Lets say the "friend" is no longer said. If there was any place not to be poor and old and friendless is USA.

sure but have you read any of the posts? people say that they lock the cars.

The thing that I would worry about is that someone could reach in the open window and unlock it and take the kid.

I visited family in Reno. I had a 4mth old and 2 x 21 month olds. I had three baby seats in the back seat. I put the 4month in the middle seat and so I could strap her in I put the keys in the baby seat next to the window. The 21 month old sat down on them and not realising I fastened her belt. I shut the door. Then

I read George Soros Autobiography. He said his father let him take quite a long journey as a young teen in Hungary. His father paid someone to shadow him just in case. He said the experience gave him a lot of confidence.