
too simpistic. Salon has a good article. go read it. it was more about the haves vs the have nots. Video of the voter mood before it happened.

Speaking as an Australian who is old enough to remember how our markets crashed when UK decided to join EU and no longer buy our products, there was very bitter disappointment that the “mother country” could desert us. I don’t feel shadenfreude. What will happen is there will be a period of the doldrums and then

we are discussing two different points. What you said is true. I am talking about longevity and evidence of potential is in these women who have natural pregnancies late in age. I had a customer who was 97. She rarely came in as she was pretty healthy and busy with her life of looking after her 40 year old down

there is another drug that can increase the pain killing effect of narcotics without increasing the dose. The drug was originally for gastric ulcer (gastrin receptor antagonist) but off licence the doctor can prescribe. The generic name of the drug is proglumide. I am not sure if this is available in usa. If you want

one of the more interesting findings on longevity is that the women often have kids well past the age of other women. eg late 40s and sometimes 50s. These are natural not ivf.

didn’t he have a wife when he left? wasn’t sarah his cousin?


never. I doubt he is capable of self reflection

even serial killers have girlfriends

I had twins and I find that although both might have a talent that only one will develop it and the other shies away from competing. eg both good swimmers but one won’t try. If one can’t be the better of the two then doesn’t try at all.

about 200 Australians have gone to join isis. several are dead and their stories in the media. mental illness seems to be a common thread. depression after his mother died, schizophrenia, drug and alcohol history.


when the net was new, I read a story while in Australia about a woman in USA, who met someone online. She was lonely and wanted an out of life. He wanted to know what it was like to kill someone. They found each other. She travelled to meet him. He killed her and disposed of the body. The body was found and

Or members of the academy who vote. Every AA who is part of the industry can vote. It doesn’t cost as much as you think to make a film. If you go for special effects then yes a lot of money. But it will still depend on tight writing to be a great film. Will and Jada need to put their money where their mouths are and

I don’t know how I ended up on this thread. However, I have been thinking lately I might have some food intolerance...or cancer, due to my bowel habits. considering the first option I realised I might have to cut foods down to simple few and then add in to see when I might get a reaction. I wonder how many others come

and remember you can’t get that time back

One of her shows she cooked some decadent dessert with a friend and they ate it standing up in the kitchen and the comment was passed “it’s like not leaving the scene of the crime”

paleo pete has taken a beating since paleo has been debunked. However, I bought his book on spiralising and as a way of getting raw foods into kids and involved in the cooking process then I applaud him.

which makes trump’s bluster all the more amazing

I think if you are upset with a musician that you should take the same road as was offered up about Walmart. Don't shop and hit them in the hip pocket. I like some of Beyoncé's work but not all. My days of buying music are over. I am happy enough with vevo.