
Those same people who love to whine about the Electoral College (“but whyyyy can’t it just be one person, one vote”) lean heavily on its existence to allow them to vote with their precious consciences instead of their fucking brains.

its like when you were little and fighting with your brothers in the car on the way to see Tarzan and your mom said she would turn the car around if you didnt stop and you didn’t believe her so you kept fighting and then she did and your life flashed before your eyes.

I wouldn’t worry about all that. It makes logical sense. It’s already been proven that painkillers dull emotional pain as well as physical (same receptors). Empathy is another form of emotional pain.

so basically, you take your tylenol for a random headache, and most likely aren’t at your most empathetic anyway. headache goes away, a couple of hours later your empathy levels are back. trade off seems ok.

Dude this is Gawker Media, no need for your well-written, thoughtful, fact based, contrarian reasoning around here. Go. Shoo. Scram. ;)

1000 mg is an average dose for extra strength Tylenol, and that would be limited to every 6 hours. Regular tylenol is 650 mg every 4-6 hours. Since so much chronic pain also involves inflammation, it would be interesting to know why they’d be taking tylenol (which has no antiinflammatory properties) compared to

A- how long does the effect last and

Okay, but can we talk about the most important thing?

Based on Palin’s background, are we sure she wasn’t saying “Paul Ryan and his elk?

I like how “Schoolie McSchoolFace” is the tongue-in-cheek one.

I like how she reads off all the absurd suggested names including the Adolph Hitler nomination and then caveats the Schoolie McSchoolface nomination by saying that it was “tongue in cheek”.

you are a fart face and nobody like you

well this does not surprise me that writing was so common, as in exodus God command that all head of households are to have a copy of the scrolls of the law and to teach there children the law and to read the scrolls daily, this command implies that reading skills were not uncommon. This finding does show that that

The crazy part is that we know how the Bible is largely compiled of bits and pieces taken at choice and convenience. Most of the practices are similarly incorporated from pagan (or other) practices in an attempt to appease the locals and give them something they were familiar with.

So you’ve been to a Southern Baptist Church like when I was a child too huh? ;)

I’m often pleased that Israeli scholars tend to be the first to be frank and analytical about the origin of the texts that make up the Bible. Many people in the United States who go to churches have barely read the thing and would have others believe that God sent his angels down from Valhalla or Mount Olympus and had

Hey there mom, let’s run off behind the shady trees, grab a shovel and brass knuckles, and do what I please.

Oh yeah, life without parole....

Save a seat by the fire...

Oh yeah... life goes on / Long after the thrill of murderin’ toddlers is gone