
I suspect that is where the pizza places came up with the idea for home delivery and everyone is prepared to pay for it. I feel your pain. Mine are 9, 10 and 10 now but I remember those early years and feel sorry for other mothers. I had a "friend" call child services on me. I got the report under the foi act and I

mine was 6 months old and she fell asleep in the shopping cart and slid down. It was the hardest thing to lift her back up and out. I thought I would let her slide through. Luckily her head was small enough to fit or we would have made the nightly news.

My mother didn't have a car. She was a single mother. She took me grocery shopping and then left me in the aisle with the toys while she did the shopping and then caught up with me when she was ready to leave. I think these people who steal kids are nuts. Kids love their parents and still misbehave. Imagine how they

I got gas and then moved my vehicle to the front of the store so someone else could use the pump. We had been driving for about 1hr prior to that with the aircon on. I had twins aged 12 months. I locked them in the car and went in to pay for the gas. When I came out there was a woman trying to break into my car and

I had forgotten about that. I am in Australia and after it happened someone on another website asked me what we were doing in Australia to "occupy wallstreet". Given that, yes the economy did go into slower growth in Australia, it never actually went into negative numbers in 2008. Thus people were not as upset as they

It seems an epidemic problem. In Sydney Australia they had so many rotten cops that they had to import a chief of police from UK who did not owe anyone any favours.

I have an American father. I did his family genealogy and found that there had been slave owning ancestors. I shared this knowledge and a POC (black) friend commented that my family had come a long way. Knowing how my grandparents thought and acted the paradigm shift happened before them. My father's sister, in spite

I think that POC is too broad a title. I married a Pakistani and my half brown kids experience something different to your child's experience. We were living in an area with high Moslem demographic and they were excluded by other Moslems because they did not speak arabic. We have moved to a predominantly Anglo Saxon

So if white people are not supposed to talk then why did you comment?

No according to the POC posting above, you are not supposed to say anything.

I am a pharmacist and previous store owner. I know people come in and browse. I didn't always rush to help people. I remember quite vividly a person looking at baby nappies. I looked over to see if I should go and help and decided that I would give the customer more time. She saw me look up and then she screamed out

I think people defend the police because it takes a paradigm shift in thinking that perhaps even though their tax dollars are paying these guys they have been hired with not being vetted properly. I personally would not want to join the police but I know people who have or talked of wanting to and their verbiage was

I think that it isn't just the narrative of POC. It is about how we all interact. Thus whether the author likes it or not white people get to talk about it too.

It came to my mind about that girl from, I think, Memphis, who was pregnant with twins. She never told anyone. Then when she delivered in the laundry of her parent's home she strangled the babies.

Thank god I am an athiest so that once this misery of life is over I don't have to worry any more.