Susannah Dean's New Phone

I despise Trump. I feel disdain for Trump. But I don’t hate him. And the reason for that is that he is so beneath contempt that I wouldn’t waste the energy of hatred upon him. He is a venal, self-serving buffoon who couldn’t think his way out of a closet. He’ll be dropped into the dustbin of history, soon enough.

Why don’t we have a stature of John Lewis yet? That man is everything that you want not only you but your child to look up to. This country sucks.

And a history we are still living. GOP states and the Supreme Court have decimated the Voting Rights Act of 1965. It breaks my heart that John Lewis lived to see the law defanged. Mitch McConnell sat on John Lewis’s bill to remedy this for years until John Lewis died. Turtle man is now playing mourner. I will simply

So sad. There are few people in the world that I have seen that radiated just pure goodness in the way John Lewis did. It went beyond his list of accomplishments and good works. He just had this aura of someone you’d want to be near to soak up that warmth and light.  I’m glad the world got as long with him as we

Obama’s farewell to Congressman Lewis is stirring. God do I miss true heartfelt respect for the leader.

Such a great point. That Martin Luther King and Malcolm X might still have been alive, today. That which we consider ancient history is much closer to us than we know. 

I wasn’t as familiar with Rev. Vivian’s work, but Rest in Power to him as well.

As a black woman as well as an admirer of people who dedicate their lives to fighting injustice for others, thank you for taking the time to craft such a fine and dedicated piece in honor of Mr. Lewis, and of course for remembering Rev. Vivian.

A John Lewis or C.T. Vivian statue would look good, if there are some empty pedestals looking for a fitting candidate.

Last night, I had the thought that if not for white supremacy MLK may have lived to the ripe old age of 80s to 90s like his peers. John Lewis and C.T. Vivian lived to see a black man ascend to the White House, which must have been the peak of their hopes. But this was quickly supplanted by a white supremacist. It is

A member of the Bix Six alongside Lewis and King, Vivian began his activism with a nonviolent lunch counter sit-in at a segregated dining establishment in Peoria, Illinois, in 1947.

Civil rights movement leaders and icons of social justice Rep. John Lewis and the Rev. Cordy Tindell “C.T.” Vivian died within hours of one another on Friday. Lewis was 80 years old. Vivian was 95.


God, where does Jezebel find the people to write this shit? A quick suggestion to Justice Namaste: Maybe don’t contribute to spamming the internet with bullshit click-bait articles when there is a legit movement occurring that you could be contributing to. Seriously, these people are such bottom feeders.

I had to double check to make sure that Joan didn't write this catty-ass article. How dare two celebs be near each other while supporting a cause?

First ever comment, just wanted to register some pretty strong disapproval towards the Delevingne story. It’s gross, sensationalist, inaccurate, and carries some pretty homophobic overtones.

If I didn’t know any better, based on the tone of this writeup, I would have assumed they showed up to the BLM protest being pulled on a rainbow flag parade float handing out commemorative Cara + Kaia merch. But, no. They’re just existing. They have the nerve to exist, TOGETHER, at this event, where people can see them

Everything about this article is so misguided and wrong I actually don’t even know where to begin. First of all with everything that’s going on right now THIS is what you choose to focus on? So instead of you yourself writing about the actual protest they were attending you decided to just use this as an opportunity

Wow. This may be the worst article i have ever read on this site. It’s completwly absurd. Complaining about a possible couple that is out there protesting and supporting BLM, because they didnt make some stupid fucking announcement beforehand, is so incredibly ridiculous, ignorant, and offensive for so many reasons,

they show up to support BLM and you accuse them of “debut their relationship”

fucking hack