Susannah Dean's New Phone

These all look quite cheap in my eyes. The fabric and design of Ashley Graham’s dress are unbelievably unflattering to such a phenomenally lovely person.

Makeover” still gets me pumped up!

Oh, nostalgia...

The articles and comments on this site have gotten me through some rough stuff over the last ~11 years. I’m quite concerned, not only for selfish reasons, of course.

Don't disrespect Cannibal Witch like this!


Chonk. I'm sorry for your loss because she looks delightful.


There was one girl coming in to the world, so another girl had to go. We must have a consistent number or the gods will be displeased.

I don’t believe anything The Daily Mail says.

“Undue criticism"? 

Examples please of what evil Obama wrought.

Gurl wut.


I could watch Aidy Bryant do anything and be happy.

I want cake so badly now. To hell with you, Sombrero Cat.

Accurate depiction.

So Jesus is Richard Marx?

Oh, dear... I’m sorry, although the Q&A sounds fun.