
Nah, this is one of those warnings that doesn’t need to exist. We can’t thin the herd properly if we keep allowing the dumb ones to exist and breed. 

NF-490 in Washington and Oregon. Yes, a forest service road, yes, for sports cars. This is a popular route for motorcycles as it leads to the Hell’s Canyon Overlook, but my friends and I have made a multi-day rally out of it several times. It’s best appreciated in a small, mid-engine car IMHO. -

Came to post this as well. 

Or they could just can this pile of steaming shit nobody wants and end this run of woke trash. 

Corvette C7 Grand Sport. No rust, bulletproof engine and trans, ample parts availability, great interior ergonomics for all sizes, enough options to give you all the important features like ABS, airbags, stability control, cameras, etc. The only downside is the infotainment will age terribly, but hey - Bluetooth audio

I could not agree more. If this thing had a 160hp all electric mode with even only 50 miles of range I’d pay out the nose for it. It would literally be the PERFECT car for me. Seriously, just take my money Chevrolet. Give me an electric only mode and I’ll hand you $150k+. 

I’ll just leave this here:

Hey look, another conspiracy theory that’s completely true. Duh. 

The 2004+ Toyota Corolla. They’re cheaper than the Civics of that era, have the single most reliable engine probably ever built, and they made so many of them you can still find them with relatively low miles. They require virtually nothing other than regular oil and filter changes and easy and cheap brake jobs for

My 2020 Ford Raptor. I bought it out of state for $2k under MSRP and these things hold value better than anything outside of a Rubicon or Tacoma.

Where do I start? My 3 engines in one year FD RX7, my clutch and timing belt 944, my 100 series Land Cruiser starter that I should have just LS swapped, or my C63 AMG that spent more time in the shop in the year than on the road?

There’s no way in hell I’d pay a dime that would end up in Ezra Miller’s pocket. 

You couldn’t pay me to support anything with Miller in it. This will be one to download, not one to see in the theater. Not that any of you care about what someone does as long they use pronouns.

I see all the hate in the comments, and for good reason - side by side owners can be the absolute worst. I am 100% in favor of more regulation of them - especially around exhaust noise and trail abuse where they should see insanely high (and well deserved) fines. BUT, I am the target buyer for this. This gets me to

Hell. No. 

It might not be glamorous, but if you truly want to get away you need to get something that will take you places other things can’t go. KTM 690 Enduro R. But if I am choosing a car.. RS6 Avant for the whole crew.

Agreed. I drove my 991.1 Turbo S for 10 hours straight one day and felt fine afterwards. It’s one of the most comfortable cars I’ve ever driven, period.

100% Countach - Don’t meet your heroes. I have had the rare privilege of being behind the wheel of just about every car I’ve ever wanted to drive and the Countach absolutely takes the #1 spot for me of just absolutely terrible seating positions. You can’t see a damn thing and your legs and hips are at an awkward angle

I’ve been saying this the WHOLE DAMN TIME. The NSX is damn near perfect, it’s just not the NSX we knew and it’s not trying to compete with a Ferrari. It’s something different - the car you want to drive for hours on end on the road. I hated the NSX at first for not being the old NSX I loved, but the first time I drove

I’m still mad about the lack of a real fingerprint sensor. The under-screen one still sucks and so does their face unlock.