
Depends on who you think they were serving. I’m guessing it’s the rest of the citizenry who has to deal with Hill’s reckless driving. Also, remember Hill was involved in an assault at a marina last year.

And all Hill had to do was leave his heavily tinted window rolled down.  Basically we had a meeting of the assholes here.

When Ford adopts DEI policies, it’s about making more money. When they abandon DEI policies, it’s about making more money. They don’t care either way, they just want to maximize shareholder value. This should not surprise anyone.

I typed a similar comment and then deleted it. HD is in the business of making money, that’s it. They’re no different than any other major brand.  HD doesn’t care about DEI any more than Bud Light did.  They care about money.  That’s it.  Money.

Or go east 38 miles into AZ & pay about $3/gal.

An acquaintance recently did the “It’s cheaper to fly four people to Paris, stay in a hotel for a week, see Taylor Swift, and go shopping at Louis Vuitton” vacation than buy four tickets in the US.

Google maps shows 58 miles west is Ludlow with another Chevron that, according to reviews dated yesterday, have regular selling at $4.80. And Ludlow even has a Dairy Queen.

It’s nice to see only a $0.20/gal premium for premium, versus a $1.20/gal premium though.

Or if you don’t mind paying nearly $5 more than California’s average gas price, pull in and knock yourself out.”

Supply and demand, baby. Same price structure on cruise ships and movie theaters. And in defense of the gas station, a little pre-planning with fueling up before driving into the desert and traveling with plenty of water is simple common sense. 

they said a long time ago that only the v12s will get the doors.


I mean let’s be fair here, I’m not exactly keen on someone his age on the streets with a car that can go 0-60 in any amount of time. Not just former presidents.

My grandfather, who was younger than Biden at the time, almost totaled the family station wagon backing out of the garage because he had no reaction time. And

lol. does your Mom know you are on the internet again?
seriously tho, you don’t think that someone can like cars that are not loud overmodded pieces of shit?
or is it that you have a loud car and a tiny peen and know in your heart of hearts that i am correct?


Why are you on this website?

I’m going to skip the cars and go right to the motorcycles. In no particular order:

I mean, we know the Jedis continue as they are for the next hundred years so nothing in this show will have any significant impact on their tenure, right?

OR, these places can start properly paying their employees... just a thought.

Or should I start requiring tips at my job as well? I work in the “service” industry as well.... should I start demanding tips for each time I reset some dumbasses password? or grant VPN access? and then when I don’t get a tip I can just go

cant wait to come back to this article later and read the comments. 

Hold on now. A restaurant selling a $174 pasta dish can afford to pay its workers, right?