
When did everyone become so boring with their answers? I’ve done this in a C6 Z06, a C63 AMG, a C7 Z06, a 991.1 Turbo S, a Raptor, a GMC Diesel, and an R8, and the Turbo S was the clear winner, followed very closely by the C7 Z06 (manual of course). The Turbo S wins for it’s more comfortable seating, AWD, and more

The sportback is the only car I’d actually pay an ADM for but noooo... gotta give us the lame sedan. 

I’m fine with their prices. This is the stupid tax. There is gas literally 40 miles from here for half the cost and if you don’t plan ahead, you pay the stupid tax. More power to them. 

Anyone in his mental state is the last kind of person I want on the road. I feel like Trump would be that old road-raging a-hole, so not him either. 

Now playing

It’s the LFA. But right behind it is the Countach if it runs long enough:

I’ve absolutely had it with tipping and I’ve almost stopped eating out entirely because of it. We just get take-out (which still asks for a f’ng tip) and eat out maybe once a month at any place that generally would expect a tip. It’s absolutely out of control and needs to stop. 

The best weekly event going is Exotics at Redmond Town Center, Redmond, WA. You never know what’s going to show up - 250 GTO? Pagani? Matching P1 and Senna? It’s nuts what is hiding in the PNW. The very, very strict rules keep it probably the only sustainable weekly “Cars and Coffee” event in the country and it’s free

Eliminate the dealership sales model entirely and only have test drive showrooms. You go to a showroom, test drive the model of the car you want, and then place your order via a portal that eliminates the sales and finance staff entirely. This should be a straightforward, simple process, instead it’s filled with

Do you just like to make things up so you can feel superior when you win arguments in your head or are you this stupid? 

The only thing that will actually work these types of “influencers” is jail time and to revoke any all income because it was made in the name of breaking the law. His real fine should be a complete loss of compensation for any and all funds “earned” via social media. ...But, in Seattle as soon as he claims some new

I thought we all knew that! Rob is such a great guy if you ever run into him. He’s got stories forever that are all fun to hear. 

This one’s easy. I should preface that I have owned a lot of cars. Everything from commuter cars like Civics, Corollas, even a Prius once and all the way up to supercars and exotics, like the ‘21 R8 V10 Performance currently sitting in my garage (among others). My favorite “car” I’ve ever had is... my Raptor. Nothing,

We should be sharing articles on why you should drink it and we can get rid of anyone stupid enough to believe it. 

Ozempic could be guaranteed to kill you in 40 years and it would still likely be safer than not living at a healthy weight. It’s insane how many people have no idea how many health risks come with even mild obesity.

Am I the only one who just doesn’t like this ultrawide aspect ratio? I can’t stand Insta360 videos. 

Rover has to get there before it becomes king, something they’re a long way off from doing consistently.

I think both parties are just trolling us at this point on how dumb of a person they can get elected. Maybe aliens are involved and we’re just their bad comedy sitcom. I’m not even sure I’m joking anymore. 

The only streaming platform I actively pay for is YouTube Premium since being a homeowner I have found instructional videos without ads to be a lifesaver. The rest I just gave up on and I’d challenge anyone to try it. Seriously. give up TV and you’ll be shocked at how OK you’ll be and more free time you’ll have. 

Same old shit transmission. Specs don’t matter if you’re just out of warranty and have a $20k time bomb of a bill coming. I traded mine in as soon as the transmission started to rattle like a can of rocks, and they all eventually do. If they’d actually fix that glaring issue this would still be one of the single best

I have an active account and I also hope it gets banned because it sucks. It’s 90% bots anyway.