
We all know why it didn’t do well and the fact we aren’t talking about it just weird. That doesn’t mean the movie was wrong for doing, it means that was the well known cause of the failure. The movie got labeled as “woke Disney” for it’s same sex kiss and a lot of the more conservative parts of the nation didn’t

It’s an antelope not a elephant and it wasn’t poached. Banning anyone for this pic makes no sense when the blood isn’t even noticeable from a thumbnail and barely noticeable in the full size pic. 

That’s what I mean, it looks awful. I don’t get any of the hype or why they believe it’s the future. 

Real question for the readers, is anyone genuinely excited for the Metaverse and if so, why? Is there some selling point on this I’m missing? I’m not being sarcastic at all; I want to know if there is anything cool about it or it’s just all novelty idea.

My 3/8 Milwaukee Fuel Ratchet. Low enough torque to not break stuff, high enough torque to get things snug, small enough to get into most spaces, great battery life, and seriously speeds up most jobs. I use it more than any other tool in my arsenal. And yes, I still use a torque wrench. I have a whole list dedicate to

If you do a bunch of cocaine and get tased you’re going to have a bad time. Love that part is just glossed over like it’s not a factor. 

I’m not sure this car would be worth even half of that. 

You mean “...Comes with an Aston Martin Vulcan included in the price” 

Came to agree with the author for once! The NSX is one of the best drivers cars ever. There are cars that literally do every individual need or want better, but absolutely none that come even close to doing everything so well all at once. I am sad it took so long for Acura to make the NSX so good. This is the first

This should be a news sales slogan for the Altima. “The new Nissan Altima: In a world where every other car has annoying quirks and compromises, it’s fine.”

I’m not trying to be rude (really), but you really need to look into these areas deeper and take off the rose colored glasses. This a 99.9% drug fueled problem. These people are absolutely not trying to get food for their families - they are trying to get quick money for drugs. Anyone telling you otherwise has zero

I wish. You can do basically nothing without major recourse. You, as an owner of a vehicle, have some money. The system is against you because of this. They can’t get anything from the homeless addict who took your car/catalytic converter, but they can get something from you as an owner who clearly has something to

Great response. Thanks for going into it a little deeper for me. 

Wouldn’t this be based entirely on views, clicks, and sales directly related to the creator or is the problem that we don’t have the transparency to say it is or it isn’t? It’s one issue that a creator with the same results is getting paid less based on the race or gender and another entirely if they produce much less

Any real supercar on a road trip. Not a “I made my car that fast!” car. Not a sports car. A supercar. There is a reason they’re called supercars, and you need to experience it first hand to really get it. 

Could not be more spot on. If Google or Apple would just give me a watch with great battery life, a way to glance at my notifications, media controls, and basic fitness tracking I’d pretty much be done. All of the other stuff is just a one shot gimmick I no longer want to pay for.

In the PNW we have Avants (which is now in Denver, LA, Portland, and soon Scottsdale) and they have changed everything for the culture here. They have a “Drive Everything” motto, and the hard rule that people are simply respectful toward each other. And it works. LaFerraris and 80s Preludes at the same meet-up, and

Buying a car as a status symbol. I don’t mean buying a vehicle and having it as a form of self expression or buying something you’ve always wanted, I mean the idea of buying a car purely to boast your status or because it will make you cool. It won’t, you’re still that insecure person you always were, and now you just

I still can’t make it through the predictable first film without falling asleep; zero desire to see this one.