Sure Why Not

At orientation for my university’s graduate teaching assistants, they walked us through the steps to take to de-escalate angry/aggressive students. It was a total joke—the advice was either super obvious (ie: don’t yell back) or completely pie-in-the-sky. They walked through these methodical steps, as if anyone’s

As gun owners constantly kvetched to Obama, “Why should ‘good’ gun owners have to give up their guns?” and here’s your honest truth: because society treats every gun owner as a ‘good’ gun owner up until the moment they start murdering everybody.

huh - for a moment there i thought they got Kurt Russell to guest star as Santa Claus on Sabrina. that i would watch. that and the great british baking show holidays. I just burned through all of the “new” episodes of GBBS over the weekend. That show is a gift for my mental health, it just makes me happy for some

Ok, I guess I can kind of see the chipmunk face-thing, but his face is so expressive! His eyes! He’s a brilliant actor! And that body! There’s Wallace, String! There’s Wallace!

I’m going to try to follow Katy Perry’s remarkable grace right now, though my thoughts about Trump’s evil and ignorant tweet are much darker.

I can’t tell any of my best stories because they’re doxxing. Here’s one of the worst.

I’ve met/seen/bumped into more celebrities than I can count and unless I’m actually at an event/meal/hangout type thing (where interaction is acceptable) I follow “New York code” and presume they’re living their lives and ignore them like I would any other New Yorker.

Saw Dan Savage in a hotel lobby. To my husband: Hey, that was Dan Savage. Husband: Who?

Lifestyle/ fitness endorsements. So Virginia Slims ads in Woman’s World? 

Once again, we see that the main thing almost all of these shooters have in common is violence towards women. 

Sorry but saying something did Jack shit in the case of Ian Long, Brent Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas, Johnny Depp and God knows how many others. Society does not want to hear a woman's testimony against a man

Not to be rude but, lmao. She did say something, she was told to drop it to protect the perp. Brock turner was told on and look at him now. Dr. Ford spoke up and look what happened with her. Countless people spoke out about 45 and look what happened there. 

I feel like Nicole Kidman has gotten a weirdly bad rap, but she seems really lovely actually.

Bad sex is a thing! Many, many years ago when I was an Evangelical Christian - I thought sex would develop naturally after marriage. That we would grow together in that regard. Well, something developed- now I am an ex Christian with an ex husband.

My wife and I saw Bohemian Rhapsody Tues night and kept laughing at how hard it was for Rami Malek to contort him mouth to deliver English dialogue AND keep his fake teeth in. It kept forcing him to ‘stretch’ his face in this weird motion.

“They just were like, ‘So, where you from?’ And I was like, ‘Fuckin’ Florida, man. Where are you from?’

Yikes, same, I thought he was at least late 50s. It’s crazy what a life of fear and hate will do to the complexion.

in Texas it is in our DNA to defend freedom!”

Yeahhhh, sorry about that. We’ve been getting some glitches in the Maple Matrix and it’s producing some abnormalities... Justin Bieber, Doug Ford, this fuckin’ guy....

“Let me tell you how I know. Because this is Texas,” Cruz said. “And a horde of invading zombies from the liberal coast can’t change the fact that in Texas it is in our DNA to defend freedom!”