Sure Why Not

The crazier thing about the Kim K interview is that she sleeps in a thong. Does she just love being uncomfortable?

Nom nom nom!

salad’ll kill you faster than raw cookie dough, these days. do whatever you want, kids. we’re all gonna die anyway.

Still do not understand why ignoring people isn’t an option... Mariah’s “I don’t know her” wins every damn time, just copy that.

So you’re telling me those are two different people in those photos?

“I love to read of irrelevant try-hards in the smells like...failure.”

That catch me out-of-doors person is still 15? Am I crazy or has she been 15 for about 10 years now?

Jennifer Aniston has always been way more classy and gracious than she needed to be about the tabloids’ tacky (and borderline creepy) obsession with her love life. Good for her!

I’m similarly pained by the fact that I like Post Malone’s music. But dear god, why the face tats man?

When I was on maternity leave, I was reading “Where the Heart Is.” My husband decided the book was making me too depressed (thanks Oprah!), so he HID IT FROM ME before he went to work. I should have divorced him then. This was 22 years ago, and it still stands out in my memory as the first of many disrespectful things

Oh my god. The person who rips my book would have his balls fed to him through his nostrils. BOOKS ARE FRIENDS. RESPECT BOOKS, DAMMIT. Even my six and three year olds learned this lesson early.

“Lots of people have done this behavior” =/= “This behavior can’t be sexual harassment.”

I believe it.

“It is as though...” Speaking as an academic, FUCK YOU, TYSON. That phrase in particular infuriated me. That familiar ‘logical’ veneer, that familiar smooth drawing of attention to supposedly obvious intellectual superiority.

I mean whether this relationship is real or not, it’s absurd to think that Priyanka is the one who *needs* Nick to become more famous. She’s a big fucking deal in India. And when I mean big I mean BIIIG. I mean the goddamn Prime Minister of the country attended her reception. And you best believe he didn’t do because

I hope you have had them all framed in tasteful black oak, to have as a surprise display on your coffin at your funeral.

I know they’re from entirely different age groups and cohorts, but Timothée Chalamet and Avril Lavigne sound like they’d pair well, name-wise.

his part was smaller than he thought it would be.

Say what you like about Interstellar, but the past couple of years have made us all regularly check the backs of our bookshelves, just in case there’s another universe back there.

What I haven’t done is go on IG to take potshots at a younger and arguably more talented singer. If Madonna is so amazing, why isn’t she happy? She’s seems so bitter and miserable. Why is she worried about what another performer is doing and saying? You would think that someone so accomplished would be happy with her