Sure Why Not

He is wonderful. It’s still a site I visit multiple times daily, though I mostly just peruse very quickly. His writing is transcendent of the genre. I love that he uplifts people who are everything that a celebrity is not (he wrote a beautiful, hilarious, and effusive piece about a girl in India with multiple limbs)


“Before hashtags were even a thing, he dropped his most searched feature, blind items, because the ones about sexual assault “felt crossing a line.”

The best part about his humour is that it seems so effortless and genuine. There are so many wannabe writers who take days to write a single, tortured sentence that’s supposed to be witty and acerbatic and on point, and it’s just embarrassing. Michael K has never made me roll my eyes and sigh, but he often makes me

I still go there. For whatever reason his writing brings me joy, even after a decade of reading it. He can still surprise me.

I loved him so much for so many years <3

For a while Dlisted was one of the first websites I would visit during the day. Michael K was the best at writing celeb gossip.

Yes - I agree that the other writers have detracted from the original prose a bit, but mark my words, I will support that site until it’s demise (Allison has also come a long way, I’ll admit)!

35 here, and to be honest it’d probably look better now. I was an awkward chubby teenager.

That stinks your mom wasn’t into it. The summer between junior and high school, I got to pick out all of the stuff I liked in the Delia’s catalogue, and then my mom and I hunted down dupes at Target, Ross, and Savers. I got about $600 worth of clothes for $120-ish, and we bonded for the last time in what would be,

Nothing in that magazine ever fit me right. The cut of their clothes was horrible. I’m pretty sure Delia’s helped to make me even more self conscious than I already was, because the clothes fit so bad and looked bad on me.

I’d buy Delia’s clothes with my babysitting money, and pretty much everything I wore from that catalog was met with immediate derision and cries of “Dear Lord, what are you wearing?” Back then, I was all, “It’s called fashion, Brenda. Look it up!” but looking back, everybody else was right and it was hands down the

I got the Delia’s catalog when I was a teen but was never allowed to order anything. I just pawed through it desperately imagining what my life would be like it I were allowed to wear those things. I’m definitely too old for the clothes now, but tell me that they’ll have the lip gloss and the roll-on perfume that

I was never 24, I have been 102 my whole life like YZMA from The Emperor’s New Groove

Personally, I think they’re both gross. Ariana’s very sexy baby look creeps me the fuck out. 

Team Davidson. He’s just as entitled to talk about the relationship (or not) as she is. He made a funny self-deprecating joke- he didn’t embarrass her and didn’t share anything intimate. 

I think his idea is to joke about it until enough time has passed that it doesn’t sting anymore.  Seems like a reasonable approach...and he is a comedian.

I don’t usually laugh at SNL promos, so I’m going to have to give points to Mr. Davidson here. Well executed. 

But... she wasn’t the punchline.. he was.

Yeah, I’m Team Pete on this one. He was doing a promo for Saturday Night Live, for fuck’s sake, which is a COMEDY SKETCH SHOW. Ariana Grande’s response was stupidly immature. Quite frankly, I give massive side-eye to anyone who airs their personal issues on a public forum, whether or not they’re a celebrity. The whole