Sure Why Not

I think the message here for women is don’t date dudes 15+ years older than you. Or the same age as you. Or younger than you. Just, like, stop interacting with men really. I think after 5000 years of human civilization, we can declare that the experiment has failed. Nice try, good effort, but I think it’s time to

Karlie Kloss Kushner.

If i’m Avril Lavigne and I find out i have Lyme Disease, i’m not calling a Real Housewife, I’m finding Irene from Real World Seattle.

Piper was always the worst part of the show.  

If I’m attracted to you for your personality, then by the time we’re breaking up, any sexual desire I have for you is all gone. I can’t think of a single XILF, ie. ex I’d like to fuck.

Thank you for finally speaking against Tatum, your stand has inspired in me the courage to say that he has a block head.

Thank god. Every time he talked about her, it was always to sexualize her. He even joked about switching out her birth control pills with Tic Tacs so she wouldn’t leave him. He was happy to be with the hot chick and she probably thought his creepy, stalker behavior was cute at first. Thank God she woke up.

What have I become that I immediately Googled this when I saw the headline? Why do I care? Who am I?

LOL. I don’t know either of these 2 chicks but once again Elizabeth Banks comes out a winner

Yes, Matthew Knowles listened to Lemonade because how else would he have been able to make the gossip circuit (e.g., going on the Wendy Williams show) without a bit of intel. I think “Ring Off,” where Bey unequivocally took the side of Miss Tina, would have likely been more upsetting to him... if he actually cared

Including that quote in this roundup is deliberately misleading and undermines the reporting on the whole. Bad move, Jez. Link to the article there (that Jez included) and you’ll see what he actually was saying:

Of course. Why am I even surprised. 

I don’t have any particular problem with his music, but nothing makes my blood boil with rage and fury quite like the name “Kris Kristofferson.”

Cardi isn’t managing her money well but nouveau riche is the dumbest insult. People are supposed to be ashamed for earning instead of inheriting their money? Wish that shit had died with Louis XVI


All That was my SHIT. And Are You Afraid of the Dark?, of course.

This basically sums it up.

Yo this dude is 40. Good Burger was 22 years ago. All That was 25 years ago.

Do ya’ll feel old? Cause I feel old.

Dude be skipping leg day