Sure Why Not

I don’t agree with this take. I’ve never read the book and felt like it was pretty obvious that Amma was capable of the murders. She indicated that her friends would do anything for her, she’s manipulative and cruel often, and her motive is strengthened throughout the series. Think Calhoun day when she stops receiving

If you did not suspect Amma, you weren’t paying close enough attention to her and her friends.

I thought it was pretty clear why Amma did it. Camille internalized the abuse by her mother, while Amma turned her pain and rage onto others. She was tied in a codependent relationship with her mother and jealous of anyone taking away Adora’s attention. And I already thought it was Amma since last week, when it became

See now I’m not really here for brands who only throw my fat ass a bone when it becomes a matter of profit and not a matter of “actually big bodies look good in well-made clothes because all bodies look good in well-made clothes.”

When the dominos begin to fall, and the punishments are meted out, there is only one that will suit Ivanka.

Ivanka has a lot of nerve supporting the empowerment of women on the anniversary of (non-black) women’s right to vote when she favors a party that wants to limit the control women have over their bodies, a party that has no interest in increasing the minimum wage, a party that is anti-welfare, a party that doesn’t

Legit clicked on that Robin Thicke link because I thought it said perm instead of sperm. Kinda disappointed he doesn’t have a perm.

That commitment to color the brows...

I don’t know why that Tony Hawk complication made me laugh as much as it did. The fact that he’s old and playing on that trivial pursuit/nostalgia part of people's brains, or the fact that he seems over it, or the fact that he's not actually over it because he made over a dozen tweets about it...

No. You can tell because Lannisters have actual personalities. 

“I am totally boning!” Says man not boning.

Taylor Swift and Joe Alwyn

I would add one thing to that. They’re creative when it comes to taking things away from people they don’t like.

This tweet is...[chef’s kiss]

omg I thought the title was hyperbole.. it LITERALLY sounds like some plantation owner speaking about those he has enslaved

This made me laugh out loud, literally:

Are white people.... okay?

While he seems like a respectable candidate, his stance on making “woosh” noises on a skateboard makes him problematic to support.

You know what tho? I get her non apology, cause stealing is a THING for middle class/rich white girls. It’s really wild actually. But it is. It’s a coming of age thing for them and they do it all the time like it’s nothing. They go to CVS or wherever and just steal shit cause they can, and because they are white and

O’Rourke’s answer was not only intelligent and well thought out, it was inspirational and sounded almost presidential.