Does Carrot Top use Boy Brow?
Does Carrot Top use Boy Brow?
To also file under, “Trying Too Hard,” he seems to have had quite a bit of work done between last year and this year. The Vulcan brows and preternaturally smooth forehead, half of it probably stapled into his newly-defined hairline, the bad dye job, obvious cheek implants. The aging bro douchebag look that every…
And those super groomed brows plus overbuilt upper body = every jackass dude I dated in college. He is so obviously attempting to compensate for some deep insecurity.*
So do older dudes in relationships with younger women imagine they look younger themselves when they’re with their sugar babies, or do they realize that all of their photos together look like the especially creepy ones of Donald and Ivanka? Cook is giving off serious Gross Dad vibes in all of those pics.
I hear what you’re saying but I guess Juvia’s Place has a special place in a lot of people’s hearts because they’re one of, if not the first, B.O.M.B’s. (Black Owned Makeup Business) ever. And it’s disingenuous when people use the whole “Women have to support women” excuse when they’re called out for something shady.…
What is a Bella Thorne and why is it a thing?
Sincere question, no shade: is there anybody actually looking forward to A Star is Born? Nothing about it screams “interesting” to me; it just reads as Oscar bait, and not particularly compelling Oscar bait at that
My husband has his looking brothers. In. No. Way. Do I want to fuck them. You can acknowledge beauty without putting in a “I’d fuck that" category.
You sound like a “Cool Girl”
Kanye West is garbage. The Kardashians are also garbage. All these garbage people have more money than i’ll ever see in my lifetime, let alone most people’s lifetime. Meanwhile, i’m over here wondering if I’ll have enough money this week to be able to buy toilet paper or if I should just go to the local community…
“Makes it sound like he was continuing to take the pills as he feared overdose” not really. “overdosing” is commonly used to describe the state of being in a overdose, not just the act of taking an overdose
it appears that the movie is about romance and dog therapy?
Hazel, you are doing the lord’s work. This is a top-notch selection.
True story: a few years ago, my wife and I took JujyJr to Hershey Park with another family. We were playing mini golf back at our hotel and I lovingly chided her for not putting down her (yes) chocolate martini during the game. Next hole, she scored a hole in one with one hand while holding her oversized novelty…
Jennifer Garner is the absolute model of how to handle a divorce (from a moderately dickish partner) with grace and dignity. The more time goes by, the more I admire her. She has a chicken named Hennifer and a great Insta, too. :)
I am here for this. I need all the dirt on Brad and Ang.
Brad Pitt’s so good at the game that he cheats on Aniston but Angelina’s the bad guy, and the FBI is called about an incident with the oldest son and Angelina’s the bad guy, and now she’s divorcing him because of whatever went so wrong between them so she’s the bad guy, and he’s admitted to having substance abuse…
Rob ain’t kidding. smh. Fuck the Oscar’s.
Taking a silent and respectful knee during the national anthem is "taking it too far" for these people, so fuck 'em.