Sure Why Not

Oh hell nah

Fuck no. We did the skinny eyebrow thing before and I refused then. I’ll take my caterpillar brows with me to the grave.

Sometimes I feel like I’m the only one so I glad I’m not. My eye brows are mostly blonde and usually covered with bangs. I tweeze the middle and that’s about it. I just can’t be bothered with more than that. 

I try to pluck my chin hairs with my bare hands while watching Netflix and my fiancé tries not to notice what I’m up to. It takes forever since this method is so inefficient. 

My eyebrows are the source of my power, and I refuse. 

FUCK NO. My eyebrows were thick before they were in and they are going to stay that way. I pluck what have to to keep them neat. That is it. That will always be it. I have VERY Strong Feelings on this matter. End of Rant.

Remember, kids: unless you have the face and charisma of Marlene Dietrich and/or Rihanna, shaved and drawn-on eyebrows are a TERRIBLE IDEA. I mean, they’re a bad idea even for Rihanna and Dietrich, who both look better with their natural eyebrows. Sure, it looks cool in editorial shoots and the Blue Angel, but not in

This is a real show that exists. I can only imagine it’s karmic retribution on all of us who enabled 500 days of Kristin.

Agreed. That song is a treasure. The guitar licks at the end always get me too. 

The Ex-Factor is precisely why I’m very nitpicky with my love and affections. Her line about reciprocity really hit home because at that time I was dating a man who I gave a lot to but didn’t think to ever reciprocate.

Paul Rudd forever !!!!!!

Grave Encounters also fucked me up pretty bad. I both do and don’t recommend it.

When I was in Catholic high school, we learned that the death penalty was a no-go all the time. Maybe I learned a different form of Catholicism. 

This is me. I didn’t see Hereditary, but I’m a weenie/horror film masochist and if I don’t have PHSD, it ain’t shit. The Ring is the current record-holder and I don’t understand why anyone would be scared by either The Exorcist or The Shining, for instance.

That post is what comes to mind for me EVERY time her name or face comes up. it’s SO horrible. I don’t understand how she wasn’t hounded out of polite society forever. (I mean, I do understand how white supremacy and capitalism work, but you know what I mean.)

I get the sense that Johnny Depp isn’t just a physical abuser, but an emotional abuser as well.

Or Sally Hansen Insta-Dri in the red bottle! I love the Giant Valu Size you can get Seche in (a regular bottle plus a 4oz bottle to refill it from) for like twenty bucks, but Insta seems to wear a little better for me, and isn’t as prone to Seche’s notorious “shrinkage” issue. But one or the other is a MUST-HAVE for

I am the biggest chicken shit ever and that movie didn’t scare me. I mean, in the moment, I was scared but as soon as that moment would pass, I was like, meh. A proper scary movie keeps you spooked for daaaays.

Hereditary. Because it started out as a tense, spooky psychological thriller and rapidly devolved into (spoilers) another dumb bloody Satan-worshiper trope. The tongue-click from the empty back seat was 10x scarier than anything that came after it.  

All the Star Wars films are dumb, they’re space opera.