I just heard him on this week’s “You Must Remember This” podcast! He also features in the book I’m reading right now (Lizzy Goodman’s “Meet Me in the Bathroom”). I’m been having a real Gideon Yago summer.
I just heard him on this week’s “You Must Remember This” podcast! He also features in the book I’m reading right now (Lizzy Goodman’s “Meet Me in the Bathroom”). I’m been having a real Gideon Yago summer.
There are two Demi’s on the post so at first, I thought this was about Moore dating Helms.
Oh geez, I’m not a fan of her music per se, but I’ve always rooted for her personally. She has been such a positive example for younger people on finding self acceptance, emotional help, or paths to recovery without shame, it really won even old curmudgeonly me over.
As someone who spent the better part of the early 90s with a horrendous heroin addiction (lost our family, friends, and spent couple years living on the LA streets until we got our lives together- thanks to the magic of a pregnant street cat who gave us 6 lives to live for), I am sending this young lady all my love…
Well shit, I’m disappointed that Leslie Jones would even buy anything from that company!
Lena Dunham is going to spend her whole life taking photos of herself in her underwear thinking she’s cute and edgy.
When I got to be single I said, I just need to figure myself out.
I am a big believer in never seeing the exes again. Yes, we had things in common and liked each other, but it’s also called a breakup because it’s broken, and why would I want to be consistently reminded of someone I shouldn’t be with? Also, you can’t drunkenly text someone whose number is no longer in your phone, so.
I honestly and sincerely believe that this is an act of public service. And it’s extremely silly, too, which is an added bonus. I love everything about it (except for the fact that people like Spencer exist and are currently serving in elected office). Cohen is playing the role of mischievous Puck/court jester who…
Nobody fucking asked for this, Julia. Nobody wanted it.
I don’t understand why Hollywood has this obsession with turning women blonde as they get older (looking at you, Nicole Kidman...)
How is this is even a trick? He was told to identify himself for the camera, shout racist shit on camera, all while being told this was for a tv show -- and then he did all those things. Like, it’s not a trick just because you’re too stupid to understand what you’re doing.
why the fuck would Spotify even HAVE a Follow option? Who gives a fuck about what I, or anyone, listens to?
“chewing the cheese stuck on the spoon from her onion soup.”
I die a little inside every time Emma Roberts gets cast.
I’m totally gonna watch it tho.
I know next to nothing about the Royal fam and have very little interest, but that does seem very sad. Perhaps he’s a bad dude and that why he’s being shunned? Dunno.
That poor woman was purchasing something deeply personal to boot.