I am disturbed by the fact that you, a cat, have learned to use Kinja.
I am disturbed by the fact that you, a cat, have learned to use Kinja.
Sorry if we’re not applauding her for begrudgingly doing the right thing eventually.
Not gonna lie, that cookie looks good.
i’m glad Scarlett moved on. I’m looking forward to her new project, which Scarlett just announced.
someone brought up the idea of targeting you in our last meeting, but the motion was dismissed due lack of interest.
Fuck her apology.
I would think the controversy and subsequent hiring of a trans actor would be a thing that would propel it forward.
The entire piece reads like this wife became unhinged about the picture sent to her husband and pitched the whole trend story to the Times, in order to be like “this woman is crazy and this vagina picture is awful, right?!!?!?” to about 50 people and get paid to do it.
Holy fuck are you seriously trying to coach complete strangers on how they should conduct themselves in their relationships? This is wild
Every person I’ve ever known who said marriage was “too mainstream” or stupid or just a piece of paper or waiting for gay people to get married (Brangelina *COUGH* who didn't wait anyway) have gone on to get married...to other people.
Matthew Rhys consistently blew my mind. Especially when I remind myself that he’s a Welsh guy playing a Russian who is playing an American who is playing all kinds of other Americans. So many levels! And he has said that we’re not getting his full attention since he has to have 50% of his mind focusing on his accent…
Not only was she born into wealth, she was born to someone who was an incredibly successful businesswoman, with parents and siblings with a shit ton of connections to the business, fashion, and beauty world. Literally everything she needed in order to make her business a success, she had. What would be incredible…
What’s the quickest way to make a million bucks? Start with two.
All she did - literally all she did - was sign a licensing royalty contract with Colourpop for a tube of lip gloss, after getting surgery to enhance her lips, and imply the kits were responsible. That’s it!She signed her name to the makeup they already produced. That’s the extent of her involvement.
Isn’t it funny how Step #1 in all of these success stories is to be born to wealthy parents? You’d almost think that was an advantage or something.
“When I was away they did not stay with four or five different families; they stayed at home where their longtime babysitter, Phyllis, or my dear friend Bae or their father took care of them.”
Photos taken by boyfriend’s dad. On vacation.
Y’all crack me up. 35? The thirties are the shit! The forties are the shit! Fifties? Sure, the hangovers get worse and hair goes grey, but shit - Any day you wake up on the sunny side of the topsoil is pretty good!
I’m 36 now and I can say the thing that surprised me about my 30s is all those little problems with my health that were easy to ignore in my 20s have become Things I Have To Take Care Of and now I feel like I’m at the doctor’s office all the damn time. If I had a cough for a few weeks in my 20s, I’d just suck on some…