Sure Why Not

Each season isn’t a year. Season 5 was over the course of like 1 or two days.


You know what? Fuck it, I’m extremely here for the beibs, selena, baldwin, hadid, weeknd drama. Give me something dumb and inconsequential to care about!!

I am both registered to vote AND a little grossed out by their engagement ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  

did she really get all of the filler out cuz they still look a little plumper than they did pre lip filler.  ??  

Am I the only person who listened to that video of Meghan and didn’t hear any difference?

I use the singular they all the time for both myself and in general writing. It’s not as confusing as people make it out to be. It’s no more confusing than having a piece of writing with more than one man or woman.

Why on earth would a multimillionaire ever smoke crack when she could buy (and end up, as implied in the documentary, spending a vast amount of her fortune on) the finest cocaine?

“It’s Not Right But It’s Okay” is my favorite Whitney. 

I’m in a very similar situation - I’m 34, he’s 29, and sometimes it is SO FRUSTRATING to be with someone who thinks he’s already reached the appropriate level of wokeness, who describes himself as ‘somewhat woke’ to his shitty male friends, and who metaphorically rolls his eyes whenever I go off on something shitty.

Why do people always act like irritated leftists have the power to ban or prohibit things? We don’t. We can just say “this is fucked up, we’re not supporting it” and then not buy movie tickets.

I’ve yet to date someone who didn’t need a few of these talks. I’m not saying they’re not out there, but I think they’re few in number.

I know she’s been getting a lot of “Why would you commit to someone for the rest of your life if they still needed to be told ______” on social media. But I’m going to bet she’s not the only woman in a relationship with someone older that certain things have been more of a struggle for. I genuinely don’t understand

I imagine life with David Cross is FULL of difficult conversations....

Honestly, as someone who basically never wears underwear and has spent years having friends question this (thus spawning spirited discussions), I’ve come to the conclusion that the biggest factor here is the type of vulva you have. Like, the shape.

SOOO I stopped wearing underwear beneath my clothes about two years ago, and I’m never going back.

I only wear underwear when I’m going shopping and think I may need to try something on. You’re welcome. 

I never wear underwear - I stopped years ago. When I want to wear dresses/skirts I just wear Vassarette slip shorts. I don’t think that my “kitty” (ugh) needs to breathe, I just think underwear make every piece of clothing worn over them uncomfortable and anyone who says thongs are “comfortable” are fucking lying.

Ya know what I’d rather see than one (of a dozen) more Little Women remake? A decent biopic about Bessie Coleman. Or Nina Simone. Or the internecine strife of the Women’s Lib movements during Reconstruction and Jim Crow.