Sure Why Not

I was just telling my best friend that this song is so hard to listen to because it’s so on point and I’ve been listening to it since it came out, which means I associate it with every relationship I’ve been in--that’s 20 years of pain. And it’s also a testament to the shittiness of men. Yeah, I said it.

Everything Lena Dunham does is annoying, BUT I have definitely cut a couple fingernails while shaving my legs/bikini line because I’m clumsy and dumb. It’s like when you’re writing with a pen, and the pen just falls out of your hand for no reason—except with a razor that cuts you.

I just saw a few images from Grave Encounters, and I don’t think I could handle it. So I’m gonna give it a go!

Omg, yes! Finally someone who agrees with me. I’m a scaredy cat at Hereditary was bullshit, but The Ring? I swear I thought I was going to die after watching that. I remember thinking “Okay, people have seen this movie before me, and they’re not dead, so, like, it’s okay, right? I’m not going to die?” That’s how

Sally Hansen red bottle is THE BEST. I’m pretty sure I learned about it here on Jez and I’ve been buying it/recommending it to people ever since. Better than Seche Vite imo. 

This makes me feel a lot better. I used to have a super flat stomach and it all ended when I turned 32. I’ve been hard on myself lately trying to get it back but now I know that I was right: I’d have to make getting it back a priority in my life. And right now my priorities are finding a job and finding the best new

*Chills* This was adorable! Thank you for taking the time to type it out. I’m all warm and fuzzy now. Congrats to y’all! 


Thank you for your opinion.

I’m 33, and I know way too many people who actually like the Kardashians, including people that seem like rational, critical thinking humans. It makes me angrier than I should be about something like celebrities, but I can’t help it, because I can see all the damage that family is doing to the way people think about

Okay but now I need to know the meet-cute! 

You get that Scooby shirt! 

How bout I wear what I want and you wear what you want?

THANK YOU! People always think I’m heartless for cutting ties with exes, but I’m not the one still hung up on them months and months after the break up, you know? Call it harsh if you want, but cutting off exes is a technique that has never done me wrong.

I just finished binging The Americans (started it two weeks after the series ended) and holy shit, the acting is incredible. I am all for them winning. 

Now THIS is a summer jam I can get behind.

Yeah but usually your lips get even SMALLER with age. Take it from me, someone with Kylie’s “before” lips :( 

Oooooh that sounds fucking rough! I’m not sure if I’d be able to handle that. I think my dude was very willing to listen and learn, even if there were a few times that he frustrated the hell out of me. I hope all the good stuff about this guy outweighs his inability to really listen and do the work... but I’m not sure

Oh wow, it seems you’ve figured out exactly what I was implying, congrats! Men of all ages are in need of some work.

I’m in a relationship with someone who is 4 years younger than me (he’s 29, I’m 33), and when we first started dating, we definitely had many a difficult conversation re: race (he’s white, I’m Latinx) and stuff related to #MeToo before #MeToo was a movement. Even those who profess wokeness tend not to fully understand