Sure Why Not

Amen! I only wear underwear when I feel like I absolutely have to, which is, like, 15% of my life. I’ve yet to find a pair that doesn’t ride up my ass at some point and, quite frankly, I’m tired of spending the money it takes to find said pair. Going commando—it’s the way, the truth, and the light.

I second CorporalTrim, 100%!

They still frustrate the hell out of me, but at least I’m not hot! I’ve yet to meet a pair that actually fits me right. I think I’ll eventually have to give in and get some tailored so that they’re not constantly moving up and down my waist. 

Crotch-bunching is THE WORST. Also, I end up getting razor burn because of it. TMI but whatever.

This is what my mom always said! She tried to convince me that my legs were beautiful and looked just like hers when she was my age. Of course I thought she was just being a MOM, but now I look at my niece’s thick legs and I’m like “Wow, they’re so beautiful! I hope she appreciates them when she’s older!”

Oh wow we really did post basically the same thing! I hope you soon find the courage to wear them outside the house! It’s so cliche, but damn we are seriously our own harshest critics. I would never judge someone else’s legs as harshly as I do my own, and if someone *did* judge me as much as I do, I’d be like WOW

I didn’t wear shorts for so many years because I was ridiculously self conscious and thought my legs were hideous. And I refused to wear them all while living in south Texas, where it’s hot and humid as fuck. A few years ago I said to hell with it, and started wearing shorts because I could no longer deal with the

That all makes sense! Thank you :) 

But whyyy are they so bad for you? I mean, I know that they are, in my heart, but everything I read is like “Eh, we can’t really prove that any of this stuff is bad.” The only thing they really cite as harmful is the sugar (but I drink sugar-free) and outrageous caffeine levels (I stick to energy drinks with 40-100

Oooooh I love that! So you just throw some coconut oil in your tea? 

Same. Also, I find that just one cup of coffee dehydrates me super fast, gives me the worst headache, and totally messes up my stomach. Meanwhile, I can drink one small sugar-free Red Bull and I’m fine. But, like, Red Bull isn’t healthy for you in the long run?

Tbh, I don’t think I’d wear it. It looks like something a bride might change into for the reception. But! She’s already said before that it was appropriate. Maybe you could ask her again?

I think that’s what bothers me most about her outfit. It’s so “look at me” on a day that’s not about her.

These were my exact thoughts re: Sophie’s outfit! Super cute but maybe not for a wedding and also I’m officially old. 

Totally. Hell, I feel a gust of wind and I’m transported back to the book.

Eh but there were so many badass women of color who *were* enlightened. Maybe we move them to the front of the line instead?

Ann Petry, whose novel The Street “became the first novel by an African-American woman to sell more than a million copies”

She is the first person I thought of!

I dunno, I feel weird praising the “naturalness” of her look when her lips look so unnatural.