

At least those go back to sane numbers when they inevitably break and the dude who owns it is forced to sell. Two of my friends now have picked up E36 and E46 for well below value because they needed a touch of work. Even a broken Supra is worth a fortune :/

If you have $174k to blow on a Supra, you have enough money that you don’t have to choose between them.

Error in logic: You assume the Supra would be driven. The only engine noises will be the one the owner makes at 2am while sipping champagne in his private museum before he gets in his golf cart to drive to the Ferrari wing of his estate. 

This logic is so dumb and I keep seeing it. I suppose you also call a Ford GT just a Ford right? A GTR just a Nissan?? You don’t have a clue 

Wait; did you seriously pay $173k for a 3D car render?

So become one, instead of whining like a B

Ever so sadly, I must post this pic: “More than you can afford, pal.”

Considering how much older guys throw down on fucking fords and chevys and dodges that would be lucky to run 50 miles without issues, this isn’t that bad, at least this car would drive without you needing to be a full time mechanic. 

What if you don’t want a McLaren?

As a now 43yo who worked as a porter in the early 90’s at a Lexus/Toyota store, everyone knew then these cars were special. When one did get sold the porters were watched like a hawk as we prepped them for delivery. Never allowed to drive them. More than once we were told the new owner did not want the window sticker

Yeah and a Boss Mustang is a FUCKING Ford. Your point?

Same thing with ford mustangs but for some reason people feel the need to spend six figures for one. A car is worth what someone is willing to pay for one. No one is asking blue collar folks to spend six figures on a car. Like others the new owner is hedging his/her bet that the value will continue to rise.

The most expensive car ever sold at auction, 1962 Ferrari 250 GTO, has a 0-60 that can be matched today by a Honda Accord.

How long before the cost of the supra and the cost of the lfa would be about the same?!

Can’t come up with 6 figures?

And I’m guessing the person who bought it isn’t stretching their budget to do so. 

I’m not saying it’s worth over $170k, but you’re missing the point if you look at this and only see a pre-owned Toyota. It’s rare and special to a whole generation of people. 

i keep saying that about 60-70's challenger’s, camaro’s, and mustangs. but when you got money to burn, you can do whatever the fuck you want.

When the next one sells for over $200k, we’ll look back on this as an all-too-brief moment of sanity.