
“Pretty lit”. Eeally? Lmfao.

So glad to see the mask come off.

Holy crap, we know how screwed up you are when you’re taking advice from David Hogg.

Hey, that’s exactly what Hitler, and, everyother dictator in the world said. I see you’re in the company of your homies. Well, you & the Democrat party are.

Government employees are vetted, trained, and responsible

This troll is epic

So you are shill trying to push veganism on us now too? I won’t bother going over the reasons why people hunt, it will be lost on you. Good luck in life.

Emma and David are mere children who have not really been challenged in their views in any meaningful way. Once they are challenged, they will see the arguments are not so easy, so straightforward as they think. That, or they will just react like so many other millennial and refuse to admit the existence of a varying

Yeah, and there’s the problem. You go from ‘we ought to ban this one sort of dangerous weapon’ to ‘only the government ought to have weapons’ in the blink of an eye. You would surrender to the fascist and be a happy and peaceable citizen in Hitler’s Germany. That is you.

Modesto :::shudders::: I’d rather die.

This is a pretty epic troll.

Right?! They’re not coming to the East Bay for nothing. SF is beyond expensive. It’s disgusting. But they’re changing Oakland rapidly the last few years and it’s sad to watch. The rent is getting hire and hire. A lot of people have had to go to the North Bay to survive.


I completely disagree with you, but thank you for at least recognizing that the significant gun control that so many seek in this country needs to start with the repeal of the 2nd Amendment. If people think that it is necessary and sufficiently supported, then please, start there. I will gladly have the debate over

Now this is good trolling

Eliminate the 2nd Amendment.

Ahh ha ha ha, oh my God are you serious!?! His user name “KenPatera” is a reference to Pro Wrestling, weightlifting, and Strongman legend Ken Patera, who was mostly active between 1970 and 1990. Nothing to do with Pantera(No “n” in Patera).

Mathematically, that might be correct. P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) However, when it comes to behavior and phenomena like “safety” and “ability”, it is a tougher argument to prove that safety and ability are mutually exclusive.

I’m not a “gun” guy, but as William S. Burroughs said “I sure as hell wouldn’t want to live in a society where the only people allowed guns are the police and the military.”

Yes, I totally agree that moderation and good judgement have no place in a civil society, and that we need to take 100% polarizing positons on everything regardless of whether they make any fucking sense or not.

Or, you know, we can do realistic things that help out in the vast majority of cases, and then see where we