
Get rid of the 1st and 2nd Amendment and the rest is negotiable like I said before. We should also be working with global allies to make sure that our new constitution fits their version of the future as well.

I never understood the controversy surrounding black people using the N word. They can’t steal its power without appropriating its usage, and believe me I am against appropriation but here it’s actually pretty lit. Let me explain.

Everyone’s moving to Modesto now. Can’t say I blame them.

Conservative thought is an oximoron. Idiots gonna idiot.

I’d like to see her pull this stunt in Oakland, California. She would be locked up for years. Actually Oakland is getting pretty gentrified so maybe not. Can all of you San Franners stop moving to Oakland please?

I don’t care how I sound. I’m out here saving lives.

Police, Military, and the TSA.

Funny, you say that mutual exclusivity is hard to prove. My dad is a judge in the 9th Circuit and he just said that’s total nonsense. But what does he know right?

I am no more dangerous than the fully automatic .50 cal machine gun available to anyone who walks into Walmart.

Another obscenely long comment. It is so hard to reach an agreement when this amount of words is constantly being used.

I’m not scared of anything. If you enter my home with the intent of stealing my belongings, guess what is going to happen? I’m going to give them to you, but not before I find out what motivates you to risk jail time for a simple PC monitor or television. I’m going to get information from you that will help me help

Hunt? As in murder animals for fun? No, that is pure barbarism that has no place in modern society, even if you plan on eating the carcass. You can buy responsibly-raised, grass-fed, natural end of life meat from pretty much any supermarket these days. I would look into veganism if you’re in that quandary though. Much

When it rains it pores, I guess.

I’m honestly more offended at the length of this comment than I am the Trumpian content. I don’t even know what to say. Unreal.

And that is precisely why private citizens cannot own tanks or howitzers.

Looks exactly like a musket. That said, if it fires more than one round per minute it is, by definition, semi-automatic.

This strawman is actually pretty impressive. You make me out to be some kind of monster when all I want is less school shootings and less offensive speech.

Yes it is.

Freedom of Speech is super important so long as it isn’t offensive speech. Guns should be banned for private citizens. And the rest is negotiable.

Safety and the ability of private citizens with no government affiliation to own guns are in fact mutually exclusive.