
The definition of semi-automatic is the ability to fire more than one round per minute. Like I said before, everything except muskets and cannons are semi-automatic these days.

First of all, veganism is pretty much the only health-first diet and it takes not only a lot of will power but a lot of nutritional education to stay on track. I do that. Me. So you can take your vegan-shaming elsewhere, it doesn’t work on the nutritionally educated.

Alright, alright. So you’re not a Pantera fan. Guess we have more in common than I thought. Good to hear you support banning AR-15s but kind of frightening that what you consider “reasonable debate” is some sort of twisted allowance for handguns. They kill more people than car accidents year after year and are by far

No surprise that the first rebuke comes from a Pantera fan. Didn’t your favorite guitarist of all time get gunned down during a show? I’m considering your comment 100% ironic until you prove otherwise.

The NCAA gets a pretty bad wrap, but the truth is that many inner city potential athletes need their platform to make it to the bigs, just as the NCAA platform needs these inner city potential athletes for their leagues. It’s a quid pro quo that has worked for both parties for ages and just because the inner city

Tough to imagine a worse guy to have to agree with but I guess that’s where we are these days. Here’s the problem though - he didn’t go far enough.

Yeah... sometimes if you get too much traction it endangers the whole operation. That was pretty good though. Usually they only delete on Fridays. I think KB went from zero comments to banned and deleted in two days. Pretty good one.

This is a great article, and I especially like that you make the point that intimate moments should be set to a personal playlist based not on what is popular, but on one’s personal history with the songs.

Ignore all of your common sense and hold tight to some finely tuned thesis that “proves” something that has an infinitesimal chance of happening could have happened.

The world would be better if he, Kim Kardashian, Beyonce, Jay Z, and the rest of their clown posse was shot into space.


You’d have to be actively ignoring this fact if you still do not know it.

How much money is Bruce or Caitlyn getting paid for this?

Not a specific person, but an organization. Planned Parenthood is selling baby parts and pieces.

I would say “weird,” not cool.

Nobody is saying that is bad.

Check out his hair transplant. What a dork.

Chloe K used to be the ugly one. Now they’re all ugly :(

Tough to claim you’re on the right side of history when you just outed and gay-shamed a man and his family for no reason at all.

You are trying entirely to hard. My point is not hard to understand. Go ahead and read it again without getting trapped in your own mind.