
Everyone gets bullied. Get over it.

I am talking about people who identify as progressives that would read something like this and try to change their personality to be a little more empathetic because hey I read this article today and it seems that we should all be a little more this way. I am not talking about politicians as they are not real people.

Just be yourself and stop thinking about how you “should” or “could” be. Life is too short. If you don’t feel empathetic about something, who gives a shit? Forget the people who tell you what you should be like.

Here lies a violent criminal that tried to grab a police officer’s gun. Let this be a lesson to you.

You wouldn’t be saying that if instead of shaming her for scientology they were shaming her for being a tranny would you now? All shaming is bad.

No I’m not, and yes I do.

Ugh don’t get me started on them.

I love that sass, hun. Adding “Do” prior to your sentence.

Not when you can claim sexism, hun. This woman bout ta get payyyyyyyyyyyed!


Two whities get kidnapped. Big deal.

No, I refuse to leave. That being said, what the hell is a womanist? Feminism absolutely needs rebranding, but womanist? You’re still leaving out half the population with that sort of nametag.

If you enjoy one trick ponies you better go to a zoo because you’ll find them here on Jezebel with all these lazy feminists as well. Next.

You are a Gawker employee trying to hype some ridiculous, and I guess extremely popular, tomato troll in order to get more clicks. Sorry but I won’t be part of your cash grab.

Are you a feminist though? Why do feminists always speak for others?

I’ve never impersonated anyone. Sorry but you are mistaken.

I can tell you’re old because you still use .gifs.

Usually to some degree.

Intelligence pay grade isn’t a thing. It’s a combonation of two ideas that you just couldn’t choose between.

You are the greatest troll of all time, posing as a feminist and posting things that completely prove the counter point.