full underwear is horrifying, I am wearing a pair right now because i'm on my rag and its swamp ass city. Maybe women with flat asses find them comfy? Mine gobble up panties.
full underwear is horrifying, I am wearing a pair right now because i'm on my rag and its swamp ass city. Maybe women with flat asses find them comfy? Mine gobble up panties.
These comment sections always make me feel like a weirdo. I absolutely hate and do not ever wear any version of full bum underwear. I find it horribly uncomfortable because it moves around, usually ends up up my buttcrack anyway, plus it's always visible under clothes that are not jeans. I just do not experience…
As someone who taught sexual health for a living for over a decade I can tell you that a lot of women don't consider that an option. You're more than welcome to find it infantilizing. I find it practical.
While I do agree that it's your responsibility to ask if information isn't offered, choosing not to offer that information, and then going ahead with a sexual relationship knowing that you're putting another person at risk, is just wrong. It just is.
Oh so white people have "discovered" coconut oil now? That's cute.
Absolutely. The problem is that there's an abuser in every company, in every town, on nearly any street in the world. They're out there in truly depressing numbers. If we're going to vilify the NFL over a widespread problem, we should make sure they have a widespread problem. 21 people (the minimum possible) out of…
I agree with most of this article, but I think you are missing the bigger picture.
I disagree; being an "A-List" on SWA isn't exactly being deemed a one-percenter; it's fairly easy to attain. SWA are the ones who came up with this not-so-exalted category, which he rightly referred to in his complaint.
since when does irresponsibility = slut shaming?
Totally! The thing that i think gets a lot of people frustrated with running and giving up on fitness goals as a result is the maintenance conundrum: the same workout that gives great results for the first 2 months will become less effective as your body becomes more sneaky and efficient about grinding out the miles…
I think you hit the nail on the head with
Weird, it's almost as though living in occupied territory and constantly suffering retaliatory overreaction strikes from your wealthy heavily militarized neighbor in reaction to a few assholes in your government shooting glorified fireworks at them will breed resentment somehow.
Umm no. You don't get a cuddle and gentle soothing as reward for flippantly accusing someone of rape, then letting it drag on for months before shrugging and saying "my bad, hope no harm was done, kthxbye!" Her lack of privilege (if she even has gone through any hardship) doesn't excuse or mitigate the damage she's…
I always thought people found others attractive because of their personal preferences.
I feel like more of us need to realize that we ABSOLUTELY can get outraged at men (or women) who think it's okay to violate your body in any way. This is why we need to stop telling women/men to "smile" on command. This is why we need to stop telling little girls and boys that they MUST hug an adult stranger, family…
Eh. We CAN just say that. I understand being safe, but this seems a little silly. Just be straight up and prepare for some potential awkwardness.
I was just coming to say that believe it or not she is even worse then he is...
I am biased because I grew up as an only child...but I still have no idea why anyone would want to raise more than one child. I consider the 'pros and cons' of growing up with or without siblings to come out even at the end...but I guess I am an underachiever. I know I took a village of a family to help raise me…
She's "not even close to normal". For real? I know the average is 5'3", but let's be honest here. I define abnormal in terms of looks/shape as being someone who stands out in a crowd. She really does not in terms of body shape. If I saw her walk down the street I wouldn't be like "OMG are you a model?" As someone who…