
Most of the women in my office are quite overweight and lately their go-to insult is to call people "fat and disgusting" or "fat disgusting bitch."

Uh, nope. Not even remotely close.

I wasn't saying that the advice was appropriate (it wasn't). I was stating that it is true that women have experienced lactation from their armpits. The doctor is at fault for making the statement, not because it's just an impossible thing. Perhaps I read it wrong, but it seemed the the OP was saying that it was

This actually happens. I think it's around 6% of women experience it (although it may be higher and not reported because women are embarrassed to tell people).

Yeah, we had sex on our wedding night. The two of us went down to the county clerk's office, got hitched and then we headed home and got freaky. If we'd had the big wedding with the party, the guests and all that goes along with it I would have been too stressed to have sex.

Yeah, but they were likely already fucking the shit out of each other for some time before the wedding. You'd have to have a "They've Been Dating for One Month" party to celebrate people getting laid.

I think the issue is the last line where you make the comment about using the money for something that lasts more than a day and doesn't stress you out. Whether you intended it to or not, it reads like judgement.

If I threw my clothes on the floor my mother would donate them to charity. If I left my toys out at night, those went to charity as well. The idea was that if I didn't care about my stuff there were other people who would be more than happy to have it. I don't think it's about being "Martha Stewart" but more about

I still use "comin' down hot!" when I'm carrying something hot near a group of people.

I bet that they absolutely do listen to gangsta rap and that they enjoy food so they put it together.

I know! I love that Sephora. I always end up there and, yes, more than once it was quite late because I'd lost my lip gloss/hand lotion/atomizer and decided to pick up another on my way back to the hotel.

Yes, absolutely. I actually did ask the group if they felt that commercial sex workers could be raped. They all (including the women) felt that it wasn't possible to rape a sex worker because it was their job.

I don't know if you've seen Adele lately, but she has lost a good deal of weight. I seem to remember a photo of her recently where she was doing the typical look at me doing this one thing while really just using it as a vehicle to show off the fact that I have lost weight.

I agree with you, but maybe for a different reason. I worked in a prison for almost two years on a "transparency and accountability" project. Basically, whenever something happened in the prison (from missing spoons to murder) my team would have to interview everyone involved.

Oh I get it. You use the denial of a woman's health rights as a cover for being a jerk.

You go from someone starting website for baby names of aborted children to someone shooting a doctor in the head, yet you accuse me of shifting goal posts?

I don't think we have to be better. I just think that our case is strengthened when we are.

Ugh, I know! Done now.

Thank you for continuing to make my point. I wrote that people are more interested in Angelina Jolie than what she actually does with her celebrity. I clearly stated that you are one of those sad cases with no real concern in life except for what celebrities wear, where they go for vacation, and the role they play

Actually, I was saying that people aren't really interested in causes because celebs are apart of them. They are interested in the celeb no matter what they do.